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September 6, 2018 Press Release

Washington D.C. - Today, the Trump Administration announced that it would be promulgating regulations to terminate the Flores Settlement, the agreement that ensures that the welfare of children is prioritized when they are in the custody of the federal government.


Legislative Issues

Small Business, Jobs and the Economy

We must reignite the American Dream! We must provide the ladder of opportunity for every American to climb, so that every person who works hard and plays by the rules is able to achieve their dreams. And I believe small business is the key. It creates 2 out of every 3 new jobs. It is my mission as a member of the Small Business Committee to help small businesses do what they do best: create good jobs, drive innovation, and strengthen the middle class.

San Gabriel Mountains

Our highly urban communities look toward these mountains because they are in desperate need of outdoor opportunities. The Los Angeles area is one of the most park poor regions of the county. Too many of these communities lack the resources for residents to walk, jog, bike or picnic in their own neighborhoods.


Our immigration system is outdated and in need of reform. We have more than 12 million immigrants currently living in the United States without legal status, millions of more close family members waiting abroad to join their loved ones through the family-based immigration system, and the ongoing detention and deportation of our community members. Businesses and farmers aren’t getting access to the workers they need to stay competitive, which hurts our economy.

Women's Rights

In recent years, numerous state legislatures took action to impede a woman’s constitutional right to access safe, legal abortions. Between 2011 and 2013, more state abortion restrictions were enacted than in the entire previous decade. In 2013 alone, 22 states enacted 70 provisions seeking to restrict access to abortion services.

Intellectual Property/Tech

As a member of the Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Intellectual Property, I work to protect intellectual property such as patents and copyright, which contributes greatly to our state and local economy. We rely greatly on the development, protection, and enforcement of intellectual property since the production of content like movies, music, books, and software is critical to growing California’s job market and overall economy.


Now that many of our service members have returned from Iraq and Afghanistan, we are faced with new challenges in providing quality health care and helping new veterans transition back to the workforce. It’s important that we care for them when they return home. We also have an ongoing obligation to older veterans to ensure they receive the services they need to avoid homelessness and receive health care.

Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC)        Creative Rights Caucus

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