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Congressman Lloyd Doggett

Representing the 35th District of Texas


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September 18, 2018
Around nearly every corner of the bustling U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday, Sept. 5, from the Rayburn building to Longworth, you could spot burnt orange. For the fourth-annual Longhorns on the Hill, UT President Greg Fenves, Texas Exes Executive Director Chuck Harris, BBA ’86, Life Member, and small groups of Texas Exes advocates spent a full day day speed-walking through the halls of the Capitol, darting between 30 meetings held with members of the Texas delegation. Whether through a lengthy sit-down around a long table in a congressional office, a hallway chat, or even an impromptu mid-committee hearing meeting with Rep. Lloyd Doggett, BBA ’67, JD ’70, Life Member, UT alumni made their voices heard about the value of higher education.