ICYMI: Congress is Closing the Skills Gap

Lately, there's been no shortage of good news about the American economy. Just a few weeks ago, we saw the economy grow at its fastest pace in nearly four years. Then, we learned worker pay and benefits rose to the highest level in a decade. Retail sales are rising, worker productivity is the strongest it has been in three years, and let's not forget that we are experiencing near-record consumer c...

Congressman Paul Ryan Breaks Ground at Foxconn Development

First District Congressman and House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) today released the following statement after breaking ground at the location of Foxconn’s 20 million-square-foot facility in Racine County. "As we break ground today, we embark on a new era of manufacturing in the State of Wisconsin. This is a great day for the Badger state, and I want to thank Governor Walker for his help bringing this...

East Troy Student Wins First District Congressional Art Competition

On Saturday, April 28, Wisconsin’s First District Congressman and House Speaker Paul Ryan announced East Troy High School senior Rachel Gilpatrick as the winner of the 2018 First District Congressional Art Competition. Rachel’s piece, titled Self-Pointret, is a portrait of herself using black artist pen. Her teacher is Lori Puls. Rachel was honored during a ceremony held at the Monte Carlo Room in...

Ryan Welcomes Large Federal Grant Awarded for Wisconsin’s I-94 Project

On Friday, June 8, First District Congressman and House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) released the following statement after the U.S. Department of Transportation awarded a grant of $160,000,000 for Wisconsin’s I-94 North-South Freeway Project. "This is huge news for Wisconsin and our economy. I’m thrilled that the Trump administration has seen the value of this project, and I also want to thank Secret...

“A Walk Down Memory Lane”: Congressman Ryan Talks Accomplishments, Retirement with Charles Benson

Recently, Wisconsin’s First District Congressman and House Speaker Paul Ryan sat down with Charles Benson to discuss his accomplishments in the House and decision to leave Congress after 20 years of serving Wisconsin’s First District. You can watch the full interview here, or read excerpts from Congressman Ryan’s “walk down memory lane” below. Charles Benson: “History will always say he was the ki...

Congressman Ryan: 'The American People Are Better Off Now'

Summary: Earlier this week, Republican leaders talked about how the American people are Better Off Now because of the House Republican agenda that has ushered in an economic resurgence and strengthened communities. While there is more work to be done, Speaker Ryan shared how policies passed during this speakership have put the country back on the path to a future full of promise. Speaker Ryan's Op...

On "The Steve Scaffidi Show," Congressman Ryan Discusses House Agenda, News of the Day

Last week, Wisconsin’s First District Congressman and House Speaker Paul Ryan joined Steve Scaffidi on WTMJ’s The Steve Scaffidi Show to discuss the remaining House agenda and the news of the day. You can listen to the full interview here, and read excerpts from his interview below. On North Korea: Congressman Ryan: “The President’s pressure campaign against North Korea has been working, is workin...

On Wisconsin Radio, Congressman Ryan Looks Back, and Ahead

Last week, Wisconsin’s First District Congressman and House Speaker Paul Ryan appeared on WISN’s The Mark Belling Show and WCLO’s Your Talk Show with Tim Bremel to discuss his decision to retire and the accomplishments he has achieved during his 20 year career of serving Wisconsin’s First District. Excerpts from his remarks are listed below. The Mark Belling Show: “Anybody who knows anything about...