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Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works

- Congressional Hearings

S. Hrg. 112-979 - Sandy and Its Impacts: A Local Perspective
November 29, 2012
S. Hrg. 112-978 - A Legislative Hearing on the Water Resources Development Act of 2012
November 15, 2012
S. Hrg. 112-977 - Water Resources Development Act: Growing the Economy and Protecting Public Safety
September 20, 2012
S. Hrg. 112-976 - Oversight Hearing: NRC ' s Implementation of Recommendations for Enhancing Nuclear Reactor Safety...
September 12, 2012
S. Hrg. 112-975 - Update on the Latest Climate Change Science and Local Adaptation Measures
August 1, 2012
S. Hrg. 112-974 - Oversight of Epa Authorities and Actions to Control Exposures to Toxic Chemicals
July 24, 2012
S. Hrg. 112-973 - The Latest Science on Lead's Impacts on Children's Development and Public Health
July 12, 2012
S. Hrg. 112-972 - Review of Recent Environmental Protection Agency's Air Standards for Hydraulically Fractured...
June 19, 2012
S. Hrg. 112-971 - Hearing on the Nomination of Allison Macfarlane and Re-Nomination of Kristine L. Svinicki to Be...
June 13, 2012
S. Hrg. 112-970 - Recommendations from the Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future for A Consent-Based...
June 7, 2012
S. Hrg. 112-969 - Growing Long-Term Value: Corporate Environmental Responsibility and Innovation
May 16, 2012
S. Hrg. 112-968 - Legislative Hearing to Consider the Following Items: S. 810, Great Apes Protection Act of 2011, S...
April 24, 2012
S. Hrg. 112-967 - Oversight Hearing on the General Services Administration (gsa)
April 18, 2012
S. Hrg. 112-966 - Review of Mercury Pollution's Impacts to Public Health and the Environment
April 17, 2012
S. Hrg. 112-965 - Oversight Hearing on Epa's Work with Other Federal Entities to Reduce Pollution and Improve...
March 27, 2012
S. Hrg. 112-964 - Environmental Protection Agency Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Hearing
March 22, 2012
S. Hrg. 112-963 - Oversight: Review of the Environmental Protection Agency's Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (mats...
March 20, 2012
S. Hrg. 112-959 - Lessons from Fukushima One Year Later: Nrc's Implementation of Recommendations for Enhancing...
March 15, 2012
S. Hrg. 112-958 - Local Government Perspectives on Water Infrastructure
February 28, 2012
S. Hrg. 112-981 - Review of the Nrc's Near-Term Task Force Recommendations for Enhancing Reactor Safety in the 21st...
December 15, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-980 - Our Nation's Water Infrastructure: Challenges and Opportunities
December 13, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-984 - Oversight Hearing on the Brownsfield's Program - Cleaning up and Rebuildong Communities
November 17, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-983 - Oversight Hearing on the Brownfield's Program - Cleaning up and Rebuilding Communities
October 19, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-982 - A Review of the 2011 Floods and the Condition of the Nation's Flood Control Systems
October 18, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-962 - Innovative Practices to Create Jobs and Reduce Pollution
October 13, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-961 - Oversight Hearing on Federal Actions to Clean up Contamination from Legacy Uranium Mining and...
October 6, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-960 - Nutrient Pollution: An Overview of Nutrient Reduction Approaches
October 4, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-957 - Review of the Nrc's Near-Term Task Force Recommendations for Enhancing Reactor Safety in the 21st...
August 2, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-956 - Legislative Issues for Transportation Reauthorization
July 21, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-955 - Yellowstone River Oil Spill Oversight
July 20, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-954 - Hearing on the Nomination of Ken Kopocis to Be Assistant Administrator for the Office of Water...
July 19, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-953 - Oversight Hearing on the Environmental Protection Agency's Implementation of the Safe Drinking...
July 12, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-952 - Oversight: Review of Epa Regulations Replacing the Clean Air Interstate Rule (cair) and the Clean...
June 30, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-951 - Status of the Deepwater Horizon Natural Resource Damage Assessment
June 28, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-950 - Oversight Hearing: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Preliminary Results of the Nuclear Safety...
June 16, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-949 - Oversight Hearing on the Clean Air Act and Public Health
June 15, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-948 - Air Quality and Children's Health
June 8, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-923 - S. Hrg. 112-923 Nominations of William C. Ostendorff, Richard C. Howorth and Lieutenant General...
May 25, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-919 - S. Hrg. 112-919 Federal Efforts to Protect Public Health by Reducing Diesel Emissions
May 12, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-917 - Gsa and Federal Courthouses: Management, Renovation and Construction Issues
April 28, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-918 - Issues for Surface Transportation Authorization
April 14, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-912 - Oversight on Domestic Renewable Fuels: From Ethanol to Advanced Biofuels
April 13, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-909 - Review of the Nuclear Emergency in Japan and Implications for the United States
April 12, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-901 - Natural Gas Drilling: Public Health and Environmental Impacts
April 12, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-895 - State and Local Perspectives on Transportation
April 6, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-830 - President's Proposed Fiscal Year 2012 Budget for the Army Corps of Engineers
March 31, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-829 - Gsa: Opportunities to Cut Costs, Improve Energy Performance and Eliminate Waste
March 30, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-828 - Oversight on Disease Clusters and Environmental Health
March 29, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-827 - Clean Air Act and Jobs
March 17, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-826 - Report to the President from the National Commission on the Bp Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and...
March 16, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-825 - The President's Proposed Fhwa Budget for Fiscal Year 2012
March 9, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-824 - Environmental Protection Agency Fiscal Year 2012 Budget
March 2, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-823 - Improving and Reforming Our Nation's Surface Transportation Programs to Support Job Creation and...
February 23, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-822 - National Leaders' Call to Action on Transportation
February 16, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-820 - Nomination of Daniel M. Ashe to Be Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
February 15, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-821 - Green Jobs and Trade
February 15, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-819 - Assessing the Effectiveness of U.S. Chemical Safety Laws
February 3, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-818 - Public Health and Drinking Water Issues
February 2, 2011
S. Hrg. 112-817 - Transportation's Role in Supporting Our Economy and Job Creation
January 26, 2011

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