Veterans' Issues

Marsha Blackburn knows that our veterans rank as the bravest among us. While their sacrifice to our country can never be fully weighed or repaid, Congressman Blackburn works to ensure that America does right by her veterans and their families, including living up to its promises.

Energy Issues

Energy is on the minds of many individuals. In the heart of the 7th District lies the rural engine of Tennessee’s economy. Our state is home to men and women who spend every day working the land. Tennesseans are the true environmentalists and conservationists, those for whom clean air and clean water isn’t an abstract notion, but the vital force that keeps our staple crops growing.

Economic Issues

Marsha Blackburn believes that free markets are the best markets. She knows that the Federal Government cannot intervene in the market without fault. The surest path to American economic growth is through small, limited government that controls spending, promotes growth, and does not overburden its citizens with taxes.

Blackburn Issues Statement on Speaker Paul Ryan's Retirement

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE APRIL 11, 2018 WASHINGTON - Congressman Marsha Blackburn issued the statement below, following Speaker Ryan’s decision not to seek re-election: “Thank you so much, Speaker Paul Ryan, for your incredible service to the American people in the House of Representatives. You have pe...

Blackburn Issues Statement on Mark Zuckerberg Hearing

For Immediate Release April 11, 2018 WASHINGTON – Congressman Blackburn has been working on data security and online privacy for over four years since she chaired the bi-partisan privacy working group. These two topics are crucial to so many of her constituents. While the internet has opened up so m...