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The health care reform legislation that became law in March of 2010 is full of bad policies.  Not only has implementation of this law dramatically increased the role of government in health care and trapped Americans in a web of bureaucratic red tape, it has crushed job creation and stifled small business innovation nationwide. 

Entrepreneurs need certainty in this unsteady economy. Business owners are hesitant to hire workers, borrow money, or expand operations because they are unsure whether a stable economic recovery is underway.  This uncertainty stems directly from damaging Washington initiatives like the health care takeover that threaten investment and growth.

Right now, employers are facing more uncertainty than ever as they cope with how the health care law affects their businesses and our economy.  

Americans deserve better than the failing health care system they have now. The 115th Congress must now work together to help small business owners navigate the increasingly complex health care landscape and give America’s 29 million small businesses the freedom and options they need to provide both coverage and care to the millions of families that depend on them.  


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