ICE is an agency that works around the clock to protect our country and secure our borders, yet somehow, a few of my colleagues across the aisle thought it would be a good idea to abolish this important agency. This was nothing more than a political stunt. Without ICE, even a modest level of border security would be extremely difficult to achieve. We should be doing all that we can to support this critical branch of law enforcement, not try to run them out of town. I was glad to vote to reaffirm my support and appreciation for the job that they do to protect our borders.
Today the House passed the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2019. This NDAA is focused on increasing readiness of our military and taking care of our most valuable assets – our troops. The steady decline of our armed forces under the previous administration is well-documented. Now, we’re continuing the revitalization we started last year by investing in our soldiers and providing them with the necessary equipment to get the job done. We’re also investing in critical missile defense and nuclear deterrence programs that will substantially improve our national defense capabilities. In order for America to continue as the most prosperous country in the world, our military must be ready to defend us from any and all threats. This legislation gives them the tools to do so.
Thank you to all who joined me and the Small Business Administration at yesterday's small business workshop in Chico. As a result of policies we've passed this Congress, there's a renewed sense of optimism among Northern California business owners seeking to hire more employees and expand their operations. Many people are also beginning to jump back into the workforce, and it bodes well for Northern California's economy - despite California's prohibitive regulations on small businesses.
Rep. Doug LaMalfa — US Representative for California District 1

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act update: According to the IRS, eligible employers who provide paid family and medical leave to their employees may now qualify for a new business credit for tax years 2018 and 2019. That's great news for North State businesses.

To find out more, including eligibility requirements and detailed guidance on the new credit, visit
IR-2018-191, Sept. 24, 2018 — Today the IRS announced that eligible employers who provide paid family and medical leave to their employees may qualify for a new business credit for tax years 2018 and 2019.
Rep. Doug LaMalfa — US Representative for California District 1

In America, we are fortunate enough to have the safest, most abundant, and the highest quality food supply in the entire world. Happy #NationalFarmersDay to all the hard-working farmers in the North State and across the country who make it all possible.

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