Cardin, Menendez, Manchin

The minibus appropriations bill (H.R. 6157)

Senator Cardin: (11:58 a.m.)

  • Spoke on the minibus appropriations bill.
    • "This past week, Sally Michael, a distinguished leader in our community, died after a ten-year suffering from Alzheimer's. We lost her way too early to this disease. She was an extraordinary person, a professional civilian activist, advisors to governors, mayors, and legislators and left a great legacy. The park and people program in Baltimore, the super camps program. She helped start the Baltimore school for the arts. She developed private-sector partnerships working with government to get things done and was a very, very effective youth in our community and underserved areas benefit today from the programs that she started. I was very proud of my granddaughter Julia volunteered at one of these super camps this summer in Baltimore city."


Senator Menendez: (12:10 p.m.)

  • Spoke on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.
    • "That then allowed an insurance company to discriminate against you and either deny you health care coverage or make the costs so exorbitant that it was impossible to be able to afford. The Affordable Care Act that I helped write ultimately eliminated that discrimination and the ability of insurance companies to do that. And in New Jersey alone, which has a little over 9 million people in the state, 3.8 million New Jerseyans have a preexisting condition. The president also said he replaced the affordable care act with, and I quote, something terrific. Well, there's nothing terrific about breaking a promise that threatens the lives and livelihoods of millions of families."


Senator Manchin: (12:23 p.m.)

  • Spoke on the minibus appropriations bill.
    • "This resolution will authorize the Senate Legal Counsel to intervene in this cruel lawsuit on behalf of the U.S. Senate to defend these men and women and children and fight for the right to affordable health care insurance. The Department of Justice has recklessly refused to defend the law and as a result, nearly 800,000 West Virginians – an that's 391,000 of them being chairman with asthma, diabetes, or women who dare to have a baby -- at risk of financial jeopardy if they get sick. But we have an opportunity today to stand up for the millions of Americans with preexisting conditions that are trusting us to protect their health care access."