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House Approves Omnibus Bill to Fund the Federal Government

Washington, March 22, 2018

The U.S. House today approved legislation to provide all discretionary funding for the federal government for the 2018 fiscal year.

The bill contains the full legislation and funding for all of the 12 annual Appropriations bills. It totals $1.3 trillion, including $78.1 billion in funding for the Global War on Terror (GWOT)/Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO). Total base funding, excluding OCO and emergencies, is $1.2 trillion.

The legislation adheres to the recently enacted budget “caps” agreement, providing an additional $80 billion for national defense – the largest year-to-year increase in base funding for the Department of Defense in 15 years. It also provides increased funding for critical federal programs including efforts to fight the nation’s opioid epidemic, to secure our homeland, to promote school safety and mental health, and to make robust investments that will help rebuild America’s aging infrastructure and bolster economic growth.

Appropriations Committee Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen made the following statement on the legislation:

“The legislation approved today is the result of thousands of hours of work starting one year ago. It reflects hard-fought, bipartisan and bicameral negotiations that were done in good faith and in the best interest of the American people.

“Most importantly, this bill makes a historic investment in our Armed Forces – including the largest year-to-year increase in funding for the Department of Defense since the beginning of the War on Terror. It fully funds a 2.4% pay raise for our service men and women – the largest in eight years – and provides the largest dollar total ever for the Department of Veterans Affairs.

“In addition to strengthening our national defense, this legislation boosts security here at home – including funding more than 90 miles of new and improved border wall system to secure our homeland.

“And, the legislation also makes significant strides on addressing urgent domestic priorities that will improve quality of life for all Americans and support economic growth and job creation. The bill invests more than $21 billion in critical infrastructure projects to move our economy forward, $4 billion to fight the opioid epidemic that is devastating communities across the country, and $2 billion to improve school safety and ensure children have a safe place to learn.

“All of these investments are made responsibly to ensure we get the most out of every tax dollar. This is urgently needed, responsible legislation that will help our nation, economy, communities, and families thrive.”

The bill includes critical funding for:

  • National Defense – After years of neglect, this bill starts rebuilding America’s Armed Forces by making the largest investment in 15 years. It provides $654.6 billion in both base and Global War on Terror/Overseas Contingency Operations funding – the biggest year-to-year increase since the beginning of the War on Terror. It fully funds a 2.4% pay raise for the troops, fulfills the requests made by Secretary Mattis and military leaders, and gives warfighters the resources they need to fight, win, and return home safety.

  • Securing Our Homeland – The bill includes $47.8 billion for the Department of Homeland Security, an increase of $5.4 billion over the last fiscal year. These dollars will bolster border infrastructure, add more “boots on the ground,” increase detention space, and improve surveillance technology. The legislation includes $1.571 billion for physical barriers and associated technology along the Southwest border.  This amount provides for more than 90 miles of “border wall system,” going beyond the Administration’s budget request for a total of 74 miles in fiscal year 2018.

  • Rebuilding America’s Aging Infrastructure – Improving the nation’s infrastructure is critical to reliability, safety, and economic growth. The legislation includes more than $21 billion for infrastructure projects across the country, including transportation, energy, water, and cyber.

  • Combatting the Opioid Crisis – This legislation includes nearly $4 billion in resources to combat the opioid crisis that President Trump has declared as a national emergency. It will invest billions in treatment, prevention, and law enforcement efforts to stop the spread of these dangerous drugs and help families and communities get the assistance they need.

  • School Safety – To help protect children and to promote safe learning environments, the bill provides more than $2.3 billion in new funding to effective mental health, training, and school safety programs at the Departments of Justice, Education, and Health and Human Services. 

Bill Highlights: For a bill-by-bill summaries, please visit:

Agriculture Appropriations Bill - Summary | One Pager

Commerce, Justice, Science Bill - Summary | One Pager

Defense Appropriations Bill - Summary | One Pager

Energy and Water Appropriations Bill - Summary One Pager

Financial Services Appropriations Bill - Summary | One Pager

Homeland Security Appropriations Bill - Summary | One Pager

Interior/Environment Appropriations Bill - Summary | One Pager

Labor, HHS, Education Appropriations Bill - Summary | One Pager

Legislative Branch Appropriations Bill - Summary | One Pager

Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Bill - Summary | One Pager

State and Foreign Operations Appropriations Bill - Summary | One Pager

Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Bill - Summary | One Pager

Investing in Infrastructure - One Pager

Improving School Safety -
One Pager

Fighting Opioid Abuse -
One Pager

Overall Summary - One Pager

For the text of the legislation and the bill reports, please visit:

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