Summary: H.R.698 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)All Information (Except Text)

Bill summaries are authored by CRS.

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Reported to Senate without amendment (05/16/2017)

(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The expanded summary of the House passed version is repeated here.)

Elkhorn Ranch and White River National Forest Conveyance Act of 2017

(Sec. 2) This bill requires all interest of the United States in 148 acres of identified land to be conveyed by patent to the Gordman-Leverich Partnership (GLP), a Colorado Limited Liability Partnership.

The conveyance: (1) is subject to the valid existing rights of the lessee of federal oil and gas lease COC-75070 and any other valid existing rights, and (2) shall reserve to the United States the right to collect rent and royalty payments on such lease for its duration.

The conveyance shall: (1) be completed by no later than 180 days of enactment of this bill; and (2) be without consideration, except that all costs incurred by the Department of the Interior relating to any survey, platting, legal description, or other activities carried out to prepare and issue the patent shall be paid by the GLP to Interior prior to the conveyance of such land.