Cassidy, Casey, Perdue, Isakson

Executive Session (Grant Nomination)

Senator Cassidy: (5:05 p.m.)

  • Spoke on the NFIP.
    • "So on Friday cloture vote was filed in the Senate on the four-month extension that the House passed. The problem is that the cloture vote will not occur until Wednesday, setting up the final passage of the extension on Thursday. It means the NFIP would lapse for two days. Now, it is totally avoidable. It does nothing to advance reforms within the NFIP, many of which I proposed a year ago in a long-term reauthorization bill introduced with colleagues from New York and West Virginia. The lapse does disrupt real estate transactions for the 2,600 Americans trying to close on their home, perhaps their first home, over the next couple of days."


Senator Casey: (5:09 p.m.)

  • Spoke on Medicaid.
    • "This is 53 years today, I should say - today marks 53 years since the Medicare and Medicaid programs were created, and I'll speak specifically today about Medicaid. Many Americans are familiar with all of the benefits that Medicaid provides to so many Americans, but I don't know if people have a sense of the scope of it. First of all, Medicaid helps 70 million individuals and families in every stage of life. Medicaid covers nearly half of every - every one of the births in the United States of America."


Senator Perdue: (5:18 p.m.)

  • Spoke on the nomination of Britt Cagle Grant to be a U.S. Circuit Judge for the 11th Circuit.
    • "Mr. President, this is a testament in my state. When that happens that means people on both sides of the aisle understand how she is applying the rule of law. It's a testament to the quality of her work, the dedication she has to the Constitution, and to the people for whom she works. Prior to her public service, Justice Grant argued a commercial litigation case before the highest court of the land, the United States Supreme Court. By the way, she won. Justice Grant attended Stanford Law School and after graduating, she actually clerked for Judge Brett Kavanaugh, another outstanding nominee that will be confirmed hopefully to the United States Supreme Court later this year. I might add that Judge Kavanaugh sat through Judge Grant's confirmation hearing in front of the Judiciary Committee just some few months ago."


Senator Isakson: (5:29 p.m.)

  • Spoke on the nomination of Britt Cagle Grant to be a U.S. Circuit Judge for the 11th Circuit.
    • "Thank you, Mr. President. I come briefly but quickly but proudly to recommend Britt Grant to this body and the United States of America as the next judge from the state of Georgia to be on the circuit court. Britt Grant is an outstanding jurist. She's on the Georgia Supreme Court at the age of 40. She went to Stanford University Law School, Wake Forest University undergraduate. After she left Stanford University, she came to clerk for Brett Kavanaugh who is nominated for United States Supreme Court. Throughout her legal career whether practicing as an attorney, whether serving as a judge or whatever she did, she was always at the top of her class, the top of her case or the top of her ability."