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Representative Zoe Lofgren

Proudly Serving San Jose and Santa Clara County. ****Comments that have...
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Representative Zoe Lofgren — US Representative for California District 19

Had a wonderful time touring NASA's Ames Research Center today. So much exciting research being done in lunar planning, life sciences, and the quantum computer...

September 18 at 4:33 PM · Public

Representative Zoe Lofgren — US Representative for California District 19

I am proud to stand with Planned Parenthood demonstrators gathered today in protest of Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing at the Hart Senate Office...

September 6 at 1:10 PM · Public

Representative Zoe Lofgren — US Representative for California District 19

Last year, House Republicans voted to take away protections from millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions. Thankfully, that bill did not become law....

September 5 at 4:00 PM · Public

Representative Zoe Lofgren — US Representative for California District 19

California has been a national leader in the fight against climate change and environmental protections. But today, the Trump Administration announced that it...

August 2 at 9:39 AM · Public

Representative Zoe Lofgren — US Representative for California District 19

I introduced new legislation today to provide legal counsel to children in immigration proceedings. Judge Dana Leigh Marks once said that immigration...

July 25 at 4:27 PM · Public