Announcing the Expand Social Security Caucus
Get Billionaires Off Of Welfare
Stop Subsidizing Billionaires
Rep. Ro Khanna — US Representative for California District 17

The United States is the wealthiest and most powerful nation in human history. We have sent people to the moon, split the atom, and created the information technology that will define the next era of human history. Despite these great achievements, we have left far too many of our fellow citizens behind. This is reflected in our budget, which allocates over 53% of our discretionary funds to military spending, while only 15% goes towards social programs. This is not sustainabl...e. We cannot continue to thrive as a nation while millions of people don’t have health care or a decent home to live in. Plain and simple, we must put the needs of poor people in the center our policy debates. No mother should have to bury their child because they couldn’t afford health insurance, and we must fight for a world where that never happens again. Thank you to Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival for coming to the Capitol to share your stories, and thank you to U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren and Representative Elijah E. Cummings for hosting this hearing. Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival

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Rep. Ro Khanna — US Representative for California District 17

It is unfathomable to think that a Michigan judge, or any judge, could conclude that students do not have a right to literacy. How can underprivileged students ever hope to pull themselves out of poverty without having a quality education? We must do better than this in Detroit and all across America.
Students in some of Detroit's lowest-performing schools claim they were denied access to literacy due to poor management, discrimination and underfunding