Wrap Up (The Senate Stands Adjourned), Murray, Rounds, Cantwell

Wrap Up

Tomorrow -

  • The Senate will next meet for legislative business at 10:00 a.m.
  • Following leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of the conference report accompanying H.R. 6157, the DoD/Labor-HHS minibus appropriations bill.
  • The Senate will recess from 12:30 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. to accommodate the weekly policy lunches.
  • Note: on Monday, September 17, cloture was filed on the conference report accompanying H.R. 6157, the DoD/Labor-HHS minibus appropriations bill.


Senator Murray: (7:03 p.m.)

  • Spoke on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.
    • "A generation of women watched what happened to her and were then less likely to share their own stories and more likely to let their attackers and harassers off the hook because they saw what happened to Anita Hill at the hands of the United States Senate, and they didn't want anything like that to happen to them. That cannot happen again. An all-male Judiciary Committee dropped the ball in 1991. We cannot allow an all-male Republican side of the Judiciary Committee do the same in 2018. Over the past year, we have made together some tremendous strides with the me too movement and the understanding that more and more sexual harassment and assault is not okay and cannot be tolerated no matter how powerful the perpetrator."
  • Spoke on opioid legislation.
    • "This bipartisan package of proposals is an important step forward to help our families and communities who are on the front lines of the opioid crisis, and I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues to see it signed into law, but while this bill is an important step, it is by no means a final one. We have a lot more to do to end the tragedy and address the ongoing issue. So even as we work to get this agreement across the finish line, I'm going to keep fighting for more support and resources and solutions for the families in my home state of Washington and across the country who are facing the heartbreak of this epidemic."


Senator Rounds: (7:13 p.m.)

  • Spoke in tribute to a South Dakota firefighter.
    • "According to reports, Dave was attempting to move one of the fire department's command vehicles just north of the home when a propane tank exploded, a piece of which struck him and his vehicle, killing him instantly. Both he and the owner of the home, Raymond Bachmeyer, perished on that tragic day. We send our sympathies to all of the friends and family members they leave behind. Dave's death is a tremendous loss for the state of south Dakota, especially the Sturgis area and the surrounding communities where he lived almost his entire life."


Senator Cantwell: (7:17 p.m.)

  • Spoke on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.
    • "So I hope that my colleagues are not just trying to think that we'll have a hearing and move forward as quickly as possible but treat this as the serious investigation that people in the state of Washington and around the country want to see. I so appreciate the fact that this is a very challenging time, but information must be received in a true investigation - and a true investigation must also occur."