Crapo, Murkowski

Executive Session (Roisman Nomination)

Senator Crapo: (5:05 p.m.)

  • Spoke on the nomination of Elad Roisman to be a member of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
    • "The S.E.C. has an important three-part mission, protect investors, maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitate capital formation. Each part of this mission is equally important and should not come at the expense of the other. In his nomination hearing, Elad echoed the importance of this commission and furthering it. He stressed the need to promote investor confidence in the markets and the S.E.C. itself and the importance of dispelling that markets are inaccessible or rigged against the little guy. He is committed to ensure that the S.E.C. has a strong enforcement program, one that holds regulated entities and individuals accountable."


Senator Murkowski: (5:11 p.m.)

  • Spoke in tribute to Sen. John McCain.
    • "Mr. President, there have been many words that have been spoken about our friend senator John McCain, and I want to join with the many words, the tributes that have been shared in these recent days since his passing. We all know the background, we all know the bio. John McCain served our nation for 60 years starting as an officer in the United States Navy, as a prisoner of war in unspeakable conditions and, of course, during his terms in the house of representatives and here in the senate for some 30 years. That's - that's the biography of - of the man, but it really is just the start of who he was and the mark that he made, that he made not only on the lives of us here in the senate but, really, on the lives of Americans all over the country."