Cassidy, Reed, Thune

Executive Session (Clarida Nomination)

Senator Cassidy: (2:49 p.m.)

  • Spoke in tribute to Sen. John McCain.
    • "I speak of 2014 when I was running for senate for the first time and John McCain came to Louisiana to campaign on my behalf. And it was remark to believe see how veterans responded to him. And we would go - oh, my gosh, it was a sort of schedule that is legendary for John McCain. We started off in Covington, Louisiana, then went to New Orleans, and then went to Baton Rouge, to Lafayette, drove up to Shreveport and came back to New Orleans - all in one day. And others would have been tired. He was energized. He taught me about social media. Folks would come up to him and wish to have their picture taken. He was take a selfie and he would say, post it on Facebook."


Senator Reed: (2:53 p.m.)

  • Spoke in tribute to Sen. John McCain.
    • "Those who knew him knew that above all else John was a loving father, devoted husband, and a dedicated family man. Today we mourn with the entire McCain family. I would like at this time just to take a few moments to reflect on his heroic legacy. When I think of John McCain, words come to mind - courage and sacrifice. As a son and grandson of decorated naval officers the desire to serve his country ran deep in John. Following in their footsteps, he graduated from the naval academy and went on to serve in Vietnam. The events that followed, being shot down, captured and held in horrific conditions have become military legend. His indomitable spirit carried him through his years of imprisonment. But his willingness to sacrifice for his fellow servicemen should be testament of his courage and sacrifice."


Senator Thune: (3:01 p.m.)

  • Spoke in tribute to Sen. John McCain.
    • "In 1968, his captors offered the malnourished and ill McCain the chance to be returned home early, ahead of prisoners who were next in line. John McCain said no. He spent another almost five years in captivity before being released on March 14, 1973. It scarcely needs to be said, Mr. President, that he remained a thorn in his captors' side the entire time. Mr. President, living in perhaps the most privileged country in the world, it's hard for most of us to imagine going without the internet for a few months, let alone something more fundamental like electricity or indoor plumbing. The courage and character and sheer determination required to undergo regular torture, malnourishment and deplorable living conditions is almost impossible to fathom."