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Congressman Ralph Abraham

Representing the 5th District of Louisiana

Tax Reform

Our current tax system is overly complicated and in need of an overhaul. The way it is currently set up hurts the American people and our economy.

Any attempts at tax reform should focus on simplifying the tax code, lowering rates for individuals, families, and businesses, and encouraging investment. Reform focused on these principles will help grow the economy by increasing after-tax income and creating jobs.

Americans, like you, sacrifice every day to provide for themselves and their families. We in Congress owe it to them to create a simpler, fairer tax code that respects their hard work and doesn't give the federal government one dollar more than it needs. To make sure Americans keep more of their hard-earned money, the House passed legislation that would repeal the death tax and make permanent the deduction of state and local general sales taxes in lieu of state and local income taxes.

As Congress moves forward we need to focus more on controlling Washington spending and less on increasing the people’s tax burden. Our taxes have been too high for too long. 

For more information concerning work and views related to Tax Reform, please contact our office.