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Congressman Al Lawson

Representing the 5th District of Florida


April 20, 2018 Editorial
The Farm Bill is about more than just growing crops – it is about ensuring all Americans have access to safe and nutritious food, health and securing a better way of life. As a member of the House Agriculture Committee, I have worked hard with my colleagues to prepare a bill that ensures our nation’s farmers and families have the resources they need to live the American Dream.
April 10, 2018 Editorial
Many of our nation’s seniors live on fixed incomes and struggle to afford everyday expenses.  Sadly, a large number of these individuals are also disabled.  There are several existing programs that support the most vulnerable among us, but the number of agencies, applications, reporting requirements and additional obstacles they must tackle to access these funds make it unnecessarily difficul
February 27, 2018 Editorial

The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School tragedy, where 14 students and three teachers were massacred Feb. 14, is yet another reminder that we must rethink guns in our country right now. Since January, there have been eight school shootings.

September 20, 2017 Editorial

Hurricane Harvey made landfall on August 25, and by the time it drifted through the region, it would break the record for rainfall of any other storm in the history of the continental United States. The devastation to the area is saddening; the cost to human life, infrastructure, and economic productivity is expected to exceed that of Sandy and Andrew.

June 28, 2017 Editorial
The latest news coming out of the Senate about the health care debate is very troubling. Keeping negotiations behind closed doors and blocking news reporters from reporting on progress is unacceptable.
It was my hope that Senate Republicans would rectify the shortsighted version of health care their House colleagues sent over.
March 21, 2017 Editorial

The Republican plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act is an exercise in smoke and mirrors.
