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Statement of the Chairwoman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Ethics Regarding Representative Duncan Hunter

Sep 6, 2018

On March 23, 2017, the Committee on Ethics (“Committee”) announced that it was reviewing allegations referred by the Office of Congressional Ethics (“OCE”) regarding Representative Duncan Hunter. The Committee also announced that because the Department of Justice (“DOJ”) had asked the Committee to defer its consideration of the matter, the Committee had followed precedent and voted unanimously to defer its review at that time. Accordingly, pursuant to Committee Rule 17A(h)(1), the Committee made OCE’s Report, but not its Findings, public at that time. On March 23, 2018, the Committee announced that it was continuing to defer its consideration of the matter at the request of DOJ.

Statement of the Chairwoman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Ethics Regarding Representative Christopher Collins

Sep 6, 2018

On October 12, 2017, the Committee on Ethics (“Committee”) announced that it was reviewing allegations referred by the Office of Congressional Ethics (“OCE”) regarding Representative Christopher Collins. The Committee published OCE’s referral at that time. Subsequently, on August 8, 2018, Representative Collins was indicted on federal charges of conspiracy to commit securities fraud, securities fraud, conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, and false statements stemming from allegations separate from those already under review by the Committee. Pursuant to Committee Rule 18(e)(2), within 30 days of a Member being indicted or otherwise formally charged with criminal conduct, the Committee shall either establish an Investigative Subcommittee (“ISC”) or report to the House describing its reasons for not establishing an ISC.

Statement of the Chairwoman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Ethics Regarding Representative Rod Blum

Sep 4, 2018

Pursuant to House Rule XI, clause 3(b)(8)(A), and Committee Rules 17A(b)(1)(A), 17A(c)(1) and 17A(j), the Chairwoman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Ethics have jointly decided to extend the matter regarding Representative Rod Blum, which was transmitted to the Committee by the Office of Congressional Ethics on July 19, 2018.