The Nominations Process

Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution provides that the President of the United States, “shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint…officers of the United States[.]” Once a nomination is received by the Senate, the Senate’s executive clerk, acting on behalf of the Senate’s presiding officer, refers the nomination to the appropriate committee or committees on the day it is received. Once the Commerce Committee receives a nomination referral, nominees are asked to supply additional information and meet with committee members and staff. After completing the vetting, nominees may be asked to testify at one or more official confirmation hearings, and a vote expressing a positive recommendation from the Senate committee or committees of jurisdiction is generally required before a full Senate vote.

Committee Responsibilities

Under U.S. Senate rules, the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation has responsibility and jurisdiction for over 100 senior official posts that are subject to Senate confirmation, including the Secretary of Commerce and Secretary of Transportation, who serve as department heads and members of the president’s cabinet. In addition to these positions, because the Commerce Committee has jurisdiction over the U.S. Coast Guard, it must also approve all promotions of the service’s officers. While the Committee still votes on Coast Guard officer promotions, with the exception of 56 flag officers (admirals), most Coast Guard officers are not asked to individually submit information and their positions are not listed in the below.

Understanding the Matrix

In 2015, Commerce Committee chairman Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) began the practice of publicly posting on the Committee’s website the non-confidential portions of questionnaires of nominees referred to the Commerce Committee as well as responses to post-confirmation hearing questions for the record. These public postings do not include some confidential personal financial details that are reviewed by the committee. This matrix is intended to further Sen. Thune’s efforts to improve the transparency of the confirmation process. It includes and organizes positions by department and agency, discloses completed questionnaires, and indicates whether steps in the confirmation process have been completed.

The “status” category in the matrix explained:

“Confirmed” – the listed official has been confirmed by the Senate and has not made a public announcement of plans to leave office.
“Replacement” – the position has an occupant who has announced an intention to leave office. The listed official is the new nominee, not the current occupant.
“Reappointment” – an official, whose term is expiring before or separate from the end of an administration, has been re-nominated for another term.
“Submitted”– the position does not have a current confirmed occupant, but the president has named a nominee who is under consideration.
“Vacant” – the position does not have a current confirmed occupant and the president has not submitted a nomination under consideration.
“Vacating” – the position has an occupant who has announced an intention to leave office but a replacement has not been nominated.
"Term Expired" – indicates an official’s term has expired but he is allowed to remain in office for a period of time or until replaced. Individuals nominated to independent commissions and boards under the Committee’s jurisdiction serve for terms that may expire during or transcend through presidential administrations.

NOTE: The nominations matrix is updated as the Committee receives and processes documents.

Voice (12/14/17)
PositionNomineeStatusCompleted Initial QuestionnaireHearingPost Hearing Question ResponsesCommittee VoteSenate Floor Vote
Department of Commerce
Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross Confirmed Click here 1/18/17 Click here Voice (1/24/17) 72-27 (2/27/17)
Deputy Secretary of Commerce Karen Dunn Kelley Submitted   Click here Voice (6/27/18)
Under Secretary-Economic Affairs Karen Dunn Kelley Confirmed Click here 7/26/17 Voice (8/2/17) Voice (8/3/17)
Under Secretary-Standards and Technology/Director-National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Walter Copan Confirmed Click here 9/27/17 Voice (10/4/17) Voice (10/5/17)
Under Secretary-Oceans and Atmosphere/Administrator-National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Barry Lee Myers Submitted Click here 11/29/17 Click here

14-13 (12/13/17) & 14-13 (1/18/18)

Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for Administration Thomas Gilman Submitted Click here
Assistant Secretary-Communications and Information David Redl Confirmed Click here 6/8/17 Click here Voice (10/4/17) Voice (11/7/17)
Assistant Secretary-Legislative Affairs Michael Platt Confirmed Click here N/A N/A Voice (8/3/17)
Assistant Secretary-Global Markets/Director General of the U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service Elizabeth Walsh Confirmed Click here  6/28/17 Click here Voice (8/2/17) Voice (8/3/17)
Assistant Secretary-Industry and Analysis Nazakhtar Nikakhtar Confirmed Click here  11/1/2018 Click here Voice (11/8/17) Voice (3/19/18)
Assistant Secretary-Conservation and Management/Deputy Administrator-NOAA Timothy Gallaudet Confirmed Click here 9/27/17 Click here Voice (10/4/17) Voice (10/5/17)
Assistant Secretary-Environmental Observation and Prediction-NOAA Neil Jacobs Confirmed Click here 11/1/2017 Click here Voice (11/8/17)

Voice (2/15/18)

General Counsel Peter Davidson Confirmed Click here 7/26/17 Click here Voice (8/2/17) Voice (8/3/17)
Inspector General Peg Gustafson Confirmed

Click here

Click here

5/10/16 Click here Voice (6/29/16) Voice (12/10/16)
Department of Transportation
Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao Confirmed Click here 1/11/17 Click here Voice (1/24/17) 93-6-1 (1/31/17)
Deputy Secretary Jeffrey Rosen Confirmed Click here  3/29/17 Click here 15-12 (4/5/17)


Under Secretary-Policy Derek Kan Confirmed Click here 6/8/17  Click here

Voice (6/29/17)

90-7 (11/13/17)
Assistant Secretary-Aviation and International Affairs Joel Szabat Submitted Click here Click here Voice (9/5/18)
Assistant Secretary-Governmental Affairs Adam Sullivan Confirmed Click here  

Voice (2/13/18)

Assistant Secretary-Transportation Policy Vacant      
Assistant Secretary-Research and Technology Diana Furchtgott-Roth Submitted Click here 10/31/17 N/A

14-13 (11/8/17) & 14-13 (1/18/18)

Assistant Secretary-Budget/Chief Financial Officer Vacant    
Administrator-Federal Aviation Administration Vacant
Administrator-Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Ray Martinez Confirmed Click here 10/31/17
Click here Voice (11/8/17) Voice (2/13/18)
Administrator-Federal Railroad Administration Ronald Batory Confirmed Click here 7/26/17 Click here Voice (8/2/17) Voice (2/13/18)
Administrator-Maritime Administration (MARAD) Mark Buzby Confirmed Click here 7/26/17 Voice (8/2/17) Voice (8/3/17)
Administrator-National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Heidi King Submitted Click here 5/16/18 Click here 14-13 (6/27/18)
Administrator-Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Howard 'Skip' Elliott Confirmed Click here 9/27/17 Click here Voice (10/4/17) Voice (10/5/17)
General Counsel Steven Bradbury Confirmed Click here 6/28/17 Click here 14-13 (8/2/17) 50-47 (11/14/17)
Inspector General Calvin Scovel Confirmed 9/21/06 Voice (9/27/06) Voice (9/29/06)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Administrator James Bridenstine Confirmed Click here 11/01/17 Click here 14-13 (11/8/17) & 14-13 (1/18/18) 50-49 (4/19/18)
Deputy Administrator James Morhard Submitted  Click here Click here Voice (9/5/18)
Chief Financial Officer Jeffrey DeWit Confirmed Click here N/A N/A Voice (03/14/18)
Inspector General Paul Martin Confirmed 10/15/09 Voice (10/27/09) Voice (11/20/09)
Department of Homeland Security
Assistant Secretary/Administrator-Transportation Security Administration David Pekoske Confirmed  Click here  6/21/17  Click here Voice (6/29/17)  Voice (8/3/17)
Commandant-U.S. Coast Guard Adm. Karl Schultz Confirmed Click here 4/17/18 Click here Voice (4/25/2018) Voice (5/09/18)
Vice Commandant-U.S. Coast Guard Vice Adm. Charles W. Ray Confirmed Click here 4/11/18 Voice (4/25/18) Voice (5/16/18)
Vice Admiral Adm. Michael McAllister Confirmed Click here Voice (5/22/18) Voice (5/24/18)

Vice Admiral 

Adm. Scott Buschman Confirmed Click here Voice (5/22/18) Voice (5/24/18)
Vice Admiral Adm. Linda Fagan Confirmed Click here Voice (5/22/18) Voice (5/24/18)
Vice Admiral Adm. Daniel Abel Confirmed Click here Voice (5/22/18) Voice (5/24/18)
Vice Admiral Adm. Marshall Lytle III Confirmed Click here Voice (6/15/16) Voice (6/29/16)
Rear Admiral Adm. Peter Brown Confirmed Click here Voice (11/18/15) Voice (11/30/15)
Rear Admiral Adm. Andrew McKinley Confirmed Click here Voice (6/27/18) Voice (7/18/18)
Rear Admiral Vacant
Rear Admiral Adm. June Ryan Confirmed Click here Voice (11/18/15) Voice (11/30/15)
Rear Admiral Adm. Joseph Vojdovich Confirmed Click here Voice (11/18/15) Voice (11/30/15)
Rear Admiral Adm. Kurt  Hinrichs Confirmed Click here Voice (11/18/15) Voice (11/30/15)
Rear Admiral Adm. Francis Pelkowski  Confirmed Click here Voice (3/3/16) Voice (3/10/16)
Rear Admiral Adm. Meredith L. Austin Confirmed Click here Voice (4/27/16) Voice (5/18/16)
Rear Admiral Adm. Todd A. Sokalzuk Confirmed Click here Voice (4/27/16) Voice (5/18/16)
Rear Admiral Adm. Peter W. Gautier Confirmed Click here Voice (4/27/16) Voice (5/18/16)
Rear Admiral Adm. Kevin K. Lunday Confirmed Click here Voice (4/27/16) Voice (5/18/16)
Rear Admiral Adm. Paul F. Thomas Confirmed Click here Voice (4/27/16) Voice (5/18/16)
Rear Admiral Adm. James Heinz Confirmed Click here Voice (4/27/16) Voice (5/18/16)
Rear Admiral Adm. Michael Haycock Confirmed Click here Voice (4/27/16) Voice (5/18/16)
Rear Admiral Adm. Steven Andersen Confirmed Click here Passed by UC (2/14/18)

Voice (2/14/18)

Rear Admiral Adm. Pat DeQuattro Confirmed Click here Voice (12/14/17)
Rear Admiral Adm. William Kelly Confirmed Click here Voice (12/14/17)
Rear Admiral Adm. John Nadeau Confirmed Click here Voice (12/14/17)
Rear Admiral Adm. Joanna Nunan Confirmed Click here Voice (12/14/17)
Rear Admiral Adm. Keith Smith Confirmed Click here Passed by UC (2/14/18) Voice (2/14/18)
Rear Admiral Adm. David Throop Confirmed Click here Voice (12/14/17)
Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Adm. Andrew McKinley Confirmed Click here Voice (6/27/18) Voice (7/18/18)
Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Capt. Matthew Bell Confirmed Click here Voice (11/18/15) Voice (11/19/15)
Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Capt. Melissa Bert Confirmed Click here Voice (11/18/15) Voice (11/19/15)
Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Capt. David Dermanelian Confirmed Click here Voice (11/18/15) Voice (11/19/15)
Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Capt. Robert Hayes Confirmed Click here Voice (11/18/15) Voice (11/19/15)
Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Capt. Andrew Tiongson Confirmed Click here Voice (11/18/15) Voice (11/19/15)
Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Capt. Anthony Vogt Confirmed Click here Voice (11/18/15) Voice (11/19/15)
Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Capt. Melvin Bouboulis Confirmed Click here Voice (12/10/16)
Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Capt. Donna Cottrell Confirmed  Click here Voice (12/10/16)
Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Capt. Michael Johnston Confirmed Click here Voice (12/10/16)
Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Capt. Eric Jones Confirmed Click here Voice (12/10/16)
Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Capt. Ryan Michael  Confirmed Click here Voice (12/10/16)
Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Capt. Thomas Allan Confirmed Click here Voice (12/13/17) Voice (12/14/17)
Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Capt. Laura Dickey Confirmed Click here Voice (12/13/17) Voice (12/14/17)
Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Capt. Douglas Fears Confirmed Click here Voice (12/13/17) Voice (12/14/17)
Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Capt. John Mauger Confirmed Click here Voice (12/13/17) Voice (12/14/17)
Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Capt. Nathan Moore Confirmed Click here Voice (12/13/17) Voice (12/14/17)
Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Capt. Brian Penoyer Confirmed Click here Voice (12/13/17) Voice (12/14/17)
Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Capt. Matthew Sibley Confirmed Click here Voice (12/13/17) Voice (12/14/17)
White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)
Director Kelvin Droegemeier Submitted Click here Click here Voice (9/5/18)
Associate Director Science Vacant
Associate Director Technology and Innovation Vacant
U.S. Chief Technology Officer Vacant
Associate Director National Security and International Affairs Vacant
Associate Director Environment and Energy Vacant
Federal Communications Commission
Chairman Ajit Pai Confirmed Click here 7/19/17 Click here Voice (8/2/17) 52-41 (10/2/17)
Commissioner Geoffrey Starks Submitted Click here 6/20/18 Click here Voice (6/27/18)
Commissioner Brendan Carr Confirmed Click here 7/19/17 Click here

Voice for remainder term; 14-13 vote for follow-on term (8/2/17) & 14-13 vote for follow-on term (1/18/18)

Voice for remainder term (8/3/17)
Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel Confirmed Click here 7/19/17 Click here Voice (8/2/17) Voice (8/3/17)
Commissioner Mike O'Rielly Confirmed Voice (12/16/14)
Federal Trade Commission
Commissioner Noah Phillips Confirmed Click here 2/14/18 Click here Voice (2/28/18) Voice (4/26/18)
Commissioner Rebecca Slaughter Confirmed Click here 4/11/18 Click here Voice (4/25/18) Voice (4/26/18)
Commissioner Christine Wilson Confirmed Click here 2/14/18 Click Here Voice (2/28/18) Voice (4/26/18)
Commissioner/Chairman Designate Joseph Simons Confirmed Click here 2/14/18 Click here Voice (2/28/18)  Voice (4/26/18)
Commissioner Rohit Chopra Confirmed Click here 2/14/18 Click here Voice (2/28/18) Voice (4/26/18)
Consumer Product Safety Commission
Commissioner Elliot Kaye Confirmed 4/8/14 Voice (7/15/14) Voice (7/28/14)
Commissioner Robert Adler Confirmed 6/11/14 Voice (7/15/14) 53-44 (12/2/14)
Chairman Ann Marie Buerkle Submitted Click here 9/27/17 Click here Voice for Chairman nomination; 14-13 vote for follow-on term (10/4/17) & Voice for Chairman nomination; 14-13 vote for follow-on term (1/18/18)
Commissioner Peter A. Feldman Submitted Click here 6/20/18 Click here Voice for remainder term; 14-13 vote for follow-on term
Commissioner Dana Baiocco Confirmed Click here 11/01/17

14-13 (11/8/17) & 14-13 (1/18/18)

50-45 (5/22/18)
National Transportation Safety Board
Member Bruce Landsberg Confirmed Click here 10/31/17 Click here Voice (11/8/17) Voice (7/24/18)
Member T. Bella Dinh-Zarr Confirmed Click here 12/3/14 Voice (2/26/15) Voice (3/12/15)
Chairman Robert Sumwalt Confirmed Click here 6/8/17 Click here Voice for 5-year term (6/29/17) Voice for 2-year term to be chair (8/2/17)  Voice (8/3/17)
Member Earl Weener Term expired Voice (6/17/10) Voice (6/22/10)
Member Jennifer Homendy Confirmed Click here 5/16/18 Click here Voice (5/22/18) Voice (7/24/18)
Federal Maritime Commission
Commissioner Vacant
Commissioner Rebecca Dye Confirmed Click here Voice (6/15/16) Voice (6/29/16)
Commissioner Vacant
Acting Chairman Michael Khouri Confirmed Click here 12/15/09 Voice (6/29/16) Voice (6/29/16)
Commissioner Vacant
Surface Transportation Board
Member Martin Oberman Submitted Click here 7/26/18 Click here Voice (8/1/18)
Acting Chairman Ann Begeman Confirmed Click here Voice (12/10/16)
Member Deb Miller Confirmed 11/21/13 Voice (1/13/14) Voice (4/9/14)
Member Patrick Fuchs Submitted Click here 4/11/18 Click here Voice (4/25/18)
Member Michelle Schultz Submitted Click here 4/11/18 Click here Voice (4/25/18)
Corporation for Public Broadcasting Board of Directors
Member Elizabeth Sembler Confirmed Voice (7/15/14) Voice (9/11/14)
Chair Loretta Sutliff Confirmed Voice (7/30/13) Voice (8/1/13)
Member Ruby Calvert Confirmed Click here Voice (4/25/18) Voice (5/24/18)
Member Patricia Cahill Confirmed Click here Voice (3/25/15) Voice (5/21/15)
Member Laura Ross Confirmed Click here Voice (5/24/18)
Member Judith Davenport Confirmed Voice (7/15/14) Voice (9/11/14)
Member Howard Husock Confirmed Voice (7/30/13) Voice (8/1/13)
Member Vacant
Vice-Chair Bruce Ramer Confirmed Voice (7/30/13) Voice (8/1/13)
Chairman Anthony Coscia Confirmed Click here Voice (11/18/15) Voice (12/15/15)
Director Yvonne Brathwaite Burke Confirmed Voice (1/1/13)
Director Thomas Carper Confirmed Voice (7/30/13) Voice (8/1/13)
Director Christopher Beall Confirmed Voice (1/1/13)
Director Albert DiClemente Confirmed 11/18/09 Voice (12/3/09) Voice (6/22/10)
Director Rick Dearborn Submitted Click here 07/26/18 14-13 (9/5/18)
Director Joseph Gruters Submitted Click here 5/16/18 Voice (5/22/18)
Director Leon Westmoreland Submitted Click here 10/31/17 Click here

Voice (11/8/17) & 14-13 (1/18/18)

Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority
Member Alan Cobb Submitted Click here Voice (4/25/18)
Member Nina Wells Confirmed Voice (1/1/13)
Member Vacant
Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation Advisory Board
Chairman David McMillan Confirmed Voice (3/29/12)
Member William Mielke Confirmed Voice (1/1/13)
Member Wenona Singel Confirmed Voice (3/29/12)
Member Arthur Sulzer Confirmed Voice (8/2/12)
Member Vacant
Marine Mammal Commission
Chairman Daryl J. Boness Term expired

Voice (2/4/10)
Commissioner Michael Tillman Term expired 3/18/10 Voice (3/24/10) Voice (6/22/10)
Commissioner Frances Gulland Term expired 3/10/11 Voice (3/17/11) Voice (4/14/11)