House Armed Services Committee Republicans added a post from September 18 to their timeline.

"Today an overwhelming bipartisan majority of Senators voted to give our men and women in uniform the resources they need to defend the country and to deliver those resources on time for the first time in a decade. Those nine years of partisan politics, stopgap spending measures, and kicking the can down the road, have eroded our strength and encouraged our enemies. Members of the House now have the opportunity — indeed the obligation — to support our troops by approving the same bill next week. We have no duty that is more important than keeping faith with our troops."

- Chairman Mac Thornberry on the Senate's passage of Defense Appropriations

Mac Thornberry — US Representative for Texas District 13

On this anniversary of the attacks of September 11, 2001, let us remember and honor the victims, the first responders, and all of those who have fought and sacr...ificed to keep us safe. As long as evil exists in the world, we can never take our security for granted as we depend on brave men and women who are willing to protect us and all we hold dear. Thank them.

See More
20180520 - Chairman Thornberry talks North Korea/NDAA/China on Fox
20180524 - NDAA Closing Statements on the Floor
20180409 - Chairman Thornberry talks Syria & Military Readiness on Fox