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2018 Constituent Service Democracy Award Finalist

Congressman Hank Johnson

Representing the 4th District of Georgia


Congressman Hank Johnson: Digital privacy should unite us, not drive us apart

April 19, 2018
April 13, 2018

Congressman Johnson speaks from the House floor this week in support of Equal Pay Day.


As many of you know, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was on Capitol Hill this week apologizing for the company’s serious lapse in security and judgement when they allowed political consulting firm, Cambridge Analytica, to access 87 million Americans’ information and use that data for election purposes without consumers’ consent or knowledge.


Congress needs to act. If we fail to address the critical issues around digital privacy exposed by Facebook, things are only going to get worse, not better.


That’s why I’m poised to re-introduce two important bills that do just that -- legislation that gives consumers the tools they need to protect their privacy, correct the record, minimize collection and the right to opt-out of data collection for marketing purposes.  


For more, please read my op-ed in The Hill newspaper that was published this week while Mr. Zuckerberg was on Capitol Hill.




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As always, I appreciate your time and feedback. Please remember you can reach me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as well as e-mails, phone calls and letters. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to represent you in Congress.