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2018 Constituent Service Democracy Award Finalist

Congressman Hank Johnson

Representing the 4th District of Georgia


Congressman Hank Johnson's 2018 Memorial Day E-Newsletter

May 29, 2018

Today, many in our nation feel divided, angry and uncertain.

But this Memorial Day weekend it’s important to remember that soldiers are not divided between Democrats and Republicans or liberals and conservatives — soldiers are American — as we are all Americans.

They put their country before themselves and if necessary give their lives in the name of our freedom.

This weekend, I want to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice and reach out my hand to the millions of people who sent a loved one overseas, never to see them again. The toll of war is not contained to individual soldiers — we have countless Gold Star families who deserve recognition and our thanks today as well.

When soldiers die in battle we, as fellow Americans, can honor their sacrifice by speaking up for their families and protecting those they left behind.

One meaningful way we can accomplish this is to ensure spouses, children, and the next of kin of fallen soldiers receive the benefits that their loved one earned through service to our country.

The Gold Star Family Support and Installation Act of 2017 would allow families of service members to maintain access to military installations so they can receive support and have access to services if their loved ones pass during active duty. I can think of no better way as a Congressman to celebrate our heroes than to advocate for this bill.

On this holiday weekend, I encourage those in Georgia’s 4th Congressional district to reach out to a neighbor, colleague, or friend and remind them that this weekend is dedicated to the memory of the sons and daughters our nation has lost, and remember that countless people are still suffering with this grief.

Thank you.