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2018 Constituent Service Democracy Award Finalist

Congressman Hank Johnson

Representing the 4th District of Georgia



April 5, 2018 E-newsletters


Congressman Johnson speaks at the Let Freedom Ring! 50th Anniversary Commemoration of Dr. King’s Death at Stone Mountain, Ga., Wednesday, April 4, 2018. For video of his remarks, visit Facebook.


March 2, 2018 E-newsletters

Dear Friends,

Congressman Johnson speaks to students at Flat Shoals Elementary School in Conyers on March 1, 2018, before giving them books to add to their library as part of the Library of Congress Surplus Book Program.


February 27, 2018 E-newsletters

Dear Friends,


By now many of us have had the opportunity to digest the tragic school shooting in Parkland, Fla. on Valentine’s Day.

No matter where you stand on the gun violence reform debate, we can all agree that something must be done to prevent not just mass shootings at schools but daily gun violence in communities across the country.

February 22, 2018 E-newsletters

Dear Friends,

I’m holding my second Tax Teach In – this time at the Lou Walker Senior Center – on Monday, February 12 from 6-8 PM.

It’s part of a nationwide effort to communicate to constituents what the GOP tax plan means to families, jobs and economic growth. We’ve invited academics, policymakers, the health care community and local governments to participate.

January 26, 2018 E-newsletters

Dear Friends,

January 10, 2018 E-newsletters

Dear Friends,

I hope and trust you had an enjoyable holiday season and a Happy New Year.

January 3, 2018 E-newsletters

I want to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa and a Happy New Year. I hope everyone had a Happy Hanukkah. May the gift of love, peace and happiness be yours this season.


December 20, 2017 E-newsletters

Dear Friends,

Today, I vehemently and adamantly voted NO on the Republican tax scam that gives 83 percent of the tax cuts to the wealthiest 1 percent while raising taxes on 86 million middle income families.

December 7, 2017 E-newsletters

Dear Friends,

While preparing for the holiday season, you may have heard that Republicans are working to deliver “gifts” to working Americans that raises taxes on tens of millions of middle-class families in order to hand deficit-exploding giveaways to corporations and the richest 1 percent.
