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2018 Constituent Service Democracy Award Finalist

Congressman Hank Johnson

Representing the 4th District of Georgia


FEMA: Hurricane Seasonal Preparedness

June 1 marked the beginning of the Atlantic hurricane season. FEMA and the National Oceanic and the Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) wants to ensure you’re prepared.

Check out this Digital Hurricane Seasonal Preparedness Digital Toolkit for what you should know about hurricanes are more. Read More

Teachers and students can learn more on how to play it safe with these interactive exercises from the U.S Census Bureau. Read More

Stats for Stories: 2018 Hurricane Season: June 1 – November 30

The North Atlantic hurricane season begins on June 1 and lasts through Nov. 30. The Census Bureau produces timely local statistics that are critical to emergency planning, preparedness and recovery efforts. The growth in population of coastal areas illustrates the importance of emergency planning and preparedness for areas that are more susceptible to tropical storms and hurricanes. The Census Bureau’s rich economic and demographic statistics from the American Community Survey and the economic census give communities a detailed look at local statistics for emergency planning for the nation’s growing coastal population and businesses. Read More
