Defense Drumbeats

Jul 24, 2018 Defense Drumbeat
“Russia also continues to modernize and invest across the full range of military capability, including new aircraft, submarines, armor, counter-space, and air defense systems, while also modernizing conventional and nuclear strike capabilities. These investments and activities are specifically designed to limit our power projection capability and undermine the credibility of U.S. alliances, especially NATO.”
Jul 24, 2018 Defense Drumbeat
On May 24, 2018, the FY19 NDAA passed the House with an overwhelming bipartisan vote of 351-66. The Senate passed their version of the NDAA by a vote of 85-10. Here are the highlights of the FY19 NDAA Conference Report introduced today:
Jul 24, 2018 Defense Drumbeat
"The final version of the 2019 defense bill offers harsh words for Russia and China, keeping in place restrictions that prevent the US military from cooperating with Moscow."
May 23, 2018 Defense Drumbeat
As Chairman Mac Thornberry (R-TX) said, “In the Indo-Pacific region, the United States faces a near-term, belligerent threat armed with nuclear weapons and also a longer-term strategic competitor. In fact, four of the five key security challenges -- China, Russia, North Korea, and terrorism -- reside in the PACOM area of responsibility. Critical to meeting all of the challenges in the region is our relationship with our allies and also with countries with whom we share interests.”
May 22, 2018 Defense Drumbeat
Through the NDAA, Congress will confront Iran by:
May 22, 2018 Defense Drumbeat
China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran all take advantage of America’s open society to launch malign influence campaigns against the United States and our allies. While these campaigns are the result of centralized government strategies, America’s response is often decentralized or poorly-coordinated.
May 8, 2018 Defense Drumbeat
Fatal military aviation accidents have reached a six-year high, in both the number of accidents and the number of pilots and crews killed, a Military Times investigation has found.
May 7, 2018 Defense Drumbeat
The Problem: Russia’s military and political strength grew to their present and increasingly-threatening state during the eight years of the Obama Administration, which scoffed at the idea of Russia as a geopolitical threat.
Apr 27, 2018 Defense Drumbeat
Congress recently increased military spending, but if the Pentagon wants this to be more than a one-time boost it needs to show it can get more bang for the buck. The House is considering several proposals that would help, and Democrats ought to support the effort.
Apr 24, 2018 Defense Drumbeat
Last month, Congress reversed the decline in military funding after years of budget cuts forced our troops to do too much with too little. Congress must now ensure these funds are spent wisely. That means reforming outdated Pentagon bureaucracies to bolster agility, cut red tape and ensure more cost-effective use of taxpayer money...
