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Congressman Mo Brooks

Representing the 5th District of Alabama

Local Leader Mark McDaniel Appointed to NASA Human Exploration and Operations Advisory Committee

August 17, 2018
Press Release

Washington, DC—  Today, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine announced the appointment of Huntsville’s Mark McDaniel to the Human Exploration and Operations Committee of the NASA Advisory Council (“NAC”). Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) recommended Mr. McDaniel to NASA Administrator Bridenstine, a personal friend and former House colleague of Congressman Brooks, to be a part of NASA’s highest civilian advisory board, citing Mr. McDaniel’s past record of exemplary service on the NASA Advisory Council.

Congressman Brooks praised the appointment saying, “Mark McDaniel’s experience and qualifications make him an excellent choice to advise NASA on its future missions. I congratulate Mark on his appointment and have confidence he will be a productive and constructive member of the committee."

(from left) Congressman Mo Brooks, Mr. Mark McDaniel, and Administrator Jim Bridenstine

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Brooks continued, “I greatly appreciate my friend NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine for his thoughtful consideration in appointing Mark McDaniel. Jim’s leadership at NASA has been exemplary, and I am glad he took time out of his busy schedule to announce Mark McDaniel’s appointment in Huntsville.”

Mr. McDaniel said, “It is a great honor for Congressman Brooks to have recommended me for the Human Exploration and Operations Committee of the NASA Advisory Council, and I look forward to serving NASA in this important position. I have been friends with Mo for many years, and I have always admired him for his integrity and courage, and especially for what he does for NASA and national defense.”

Administrator Bridenstine tweeted the below following today’s announcement:

Click HERE for the tweet.

Previously, NASA Administrator Daniel Goldin appointed Mr. McDaniel to the NASA Advisory Council in October 2000 and NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe reappointed Mr. McDaniel to the Council in November 2002 and November 2004. During Mr. McDaniel’s tenure on the NAC, President George W. Bush announced the Moon, Mars, and Beyond Initiative which set the Nation on a more aggressive pace for Space Exploration.

On January 26, 2007, Mr. McDaniel received the NASA Public Service Medal for his "Leadership and Council to America's Space Agency, his advocacy of Human Space Flight and Exploration and dedication to the Aerospace Community at large."

