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Congressman Mo Brooks

Representing the 5th District of Alabama


The Tennessee Valley is fortunate to enjoy a strong agriculture industry. Unfortunately, in recent years, farmers have been burdened by unnecessary federal regulations that weaken their ability to compete in the competitive global marketplace. Congressman Brooks supports reductions in job-killing regulations that threaten America’s agriculture industry, weakening America’s preeminent global status. 

In the News

September 14, 2016 In the News
A bill to improve career and technical education (CTE) in the U.S. overwhelming passed the House of Representatives Sept. 13 with 405 “yes” votes.
January 14, 2016 In the News
Alabama congressmen joined other members of the U.S. House of Representatives Wednesday in passing a joint resolution to disapprove the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule. The action sets the stage for a presidential veto, which supporters of the resolution say will highlight the Obama administration’s disregard for the congressional intent of the Clean Water Act.
August 2, 2012 In the News
WASHINGTON -- Alabama cattle ranchers struggling to feed their livestock in the summer drought would be eligible for disaster assistance under legislation approved this afternoon by the U.S. House
May 4, 2012 In the News
U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks, R-Huntsville, made a trip home Monday for an agricultural tour in Madison and Limestone counties.
April 8, 2011 In the News
Alabama Farmers Federation President Jerry Newby applauded the state's U.S. representatives for their unanimous vote April 7 to prevent the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean Air Act.