Thune Applauds Passage of Additional Iran, Russia Sanctions

WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, issued the following statement regarding passage of the Countering Iran’s Destabilizing Activities Act of 2017, legislation that provides the Trump administration with the tools necessary to pursue a comprehensive approach for deterring threats from Iran and expands current U.S. sanctions on Russia.

“Iran’s hostile behavior is a threat to our national security. Time and time again, the Iranian regime has proved it cannot be trusted, and the flawed nuclear deal the Obama administration made is not an excuse for failing to hold Iran accountable. Iran remains the number-one state sponsor of global terrorism and is a principal supporter of the Assad regime in Syria. By imposing tough sanctions on Iran for its continued support for terrorism, prohibited arms transfers, and ballistic missile testing, this legislation sends a powerful signal that our nation stands firm against Iranian aggression.

“The bill also expands sanctions against the government of Russia — a nation that continues to stir unrest in the Middle East. Russia’s continued aggression in Syria, its brazen cyberattacks and interference in elections, and its alarming human rights abuses must not go unchallenged. With passage of this bill, we ensure that Russia will face consequences for its actions.”