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Congressman Brad Schneider

Representing the 10th District of Illinois

Health Care

I believe that access to affordable, quality health care is our right, not a privilege reserved for only a few.  We need to fix the Affordable Care Act, building on its successes, fixing its flaws, and looking for new and innovative ways to improve health outcomes while lowering individual and national costs.

America has the best doctors, hospitals and medical technology in the world, but our health care system is hamstrung by inefficiency and high costs.

The Affordable Care Act was a step in the right direction. No longer can insurance companies deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions or arbitrary annual or lifetime limits. Our young people can stay on a parent’s plan through age 26; and the law improved parity between mental and physical health care.

Yet much work remains to expand access, improve outcomes, and reduce overall costs. I’m committed to finding solutions, and working across the aisle, to improve what is working, fix what is not working and rethink what is not fixable in our current system. But I do not support the irresponsible plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act wholesale, which would increase the number of uninsured and raise health care premiums – all while diminishing overall access to care.

More on Health Care

August 15, 2018 Press Release

Congressman Schneider will host an Alzheimer’s Awareness Information Panel on Monday, August 27 at College of Lake County’s Southlake Campus. The discussion will provide caregivers with information and resources available in our community. Panelists include: