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Congressman Brad Schneider

Representing the 10th District of Illinois


We must uphold our committment to older Americans for the secure retirement and quality health care that they have earned.

Our seniors, the people who supported our families and developed our communities, deserve the dignity of a secure retirement and affordable health care. The multi-generational commitment of Social Security and Medicare is a foundation of our social contract, and a defining feature of our national prosperity. 

I am committed to safeguarding Medicare from privatization and efforts to transform the program into a voucher system, shifting costs to seniors and our most vulnerable citizens.  While we must address rising health care costs that threaten Medicare’s long-term sustainability, I will defend the Medicare guarantee so that no senior will ever have to choose between heating their homes and maintaining their health.

I also know we must protect and strengthen Social Security. I will oppose efforts to privatize Social Security while looking for constructive ways to bolster the system.

While I recognize that we need to address our fiscal challenges, it is paramount that we fulfill the promise made to our seniors, and I will always work to fend off efforts to dismantle the basic structure of Social Security and Medicare.  

More on Seniors

August 15, 2018 Press Release

Join Congressman Schneider and local consumer advocates for an educational panel on Thursday, August 23 in Northbrook. Attendees will learn how to recognize and prevent scams – particularly those targeting seniors. Panelists will include representatives from:

  • Illinois Attorney General's Office
  • Illinois Comptroller's Office
  • Internal Revenue Service (IRS)


Please RSVP online


August 15, 2018 Press Release

Congressman Schneider will host an Alzheimer’s Awareness Information Panel on Monday, August 27 at College of Lake County’s Southlake Campus. The discussion will provide caregivers with information and resources available in our community. Panelists include: