Congressman Adam Smith

Representing the 9th District of Washington

Civil & Constitutional Rights

The rights and freedoms of citizens need to be protected.  When the fundamental rights of life, liberty, and equal opportunity are unfairly denied to a person or a group of people, it is the role of the federal government to step in and fulfill the promise of America.

We must continue to work on creating a welcoming community and country for all while ensuring everyone has the opportunity to succeed; discrimination in any form cannot be tolerated. Across the United States we have seen increasing acts of hate against people of different ethnic, religious, and cultural backgrounds and sexual orientations. This is unacceptable. While individuals have the right to express their thoughts and beliefs, bigotry and hate are deplorable and we must be clear that it will not be tolerated. I have worked to oppose discrimination on multiple fronts while also supporting policies that seek to address some of the effects of institutionalized racism and inequality. 

  • Disavowing Hate and Violence– I have called for President Trump to fire any White House staff that have condoned white supremacy and am an original cosponsor of a resolution condemning the President’s refusal to denounce white supremacist, neo-Nazi, Ku Klux Klan, and other hate groups.  Subsequently, a number of these individuals have left the Administration. There is no place for such individuals in public office and certainly not in the White House.
  • Defending Against Discrimination – I strongly reject the idea that having transgender individuals in our military in some way interfere with the morale or combat readiness of our Armed Forces. I fought strongly against an amendment offered to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 that would have banned the Pentagon from providing funding to service members for medical treatment related to gender transition. This amendment was narrowly defeated on the House floor.
  • Condemning Violence – I sent a letter to President Trump asking that he create an interagency task force to combat hate-based violence. Our government agencies should be working together to share ideas and best practices for teaching tolerance in our schools; promoting trust between police officers and the communities they serve; and strengthening faith-based community service projects that cut across religious, racial, and political lines.
  • Ending Inequality – As a proud cosponsor of the Equality Act, I support amending the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to include sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity among the prohibited categories of discrimination or segregation in places of public accommodation. 

Voting Rights

Since its passage in 1965, the Voting Rights Act (VRA) has served as a benchmark to ensure all Americans’ voices are heard at the ballot box.  But on June 25, 2013, the Supreme Court invalidated Section Four of the VRA, a provision that protects voting rights in nine states that historically have had discriminatory voting practices. The Supreme Court found that Section Four had an outdated formula that placed undue and outdated federal burden on the nine states.

I was very disappointed in the Supreme Court’s ruling. By striking Section Four, the Supreme Court limited the federal government’s ability to implement Section Five, consequently rendering this section of the VRA powerless and threatening the right to vote for many Americans.  Any state can now implement Voter ID laws and redraw district lines to dilute the voices of large populations of mainly racial and ethnic minorities without federal oversight. In the 2012 election, low income voters and people of color, mainly African American and Latino voters, waited in line to vote twice as long as white voters. Additionally, many local and state laws and policies were put into effect subjecting low-income Americans, especially those of color, to undue electoral burden.

Since first coming to Congress, I have been a strong advocate for voting rights, and remain committed to doing all I can to ensure that no voter experiences discrimination. We need elections where the issues are what matter and campaigns compete on the quality of their ideas. I have taken numerous efforts to protect and expand upon voting rights at the federal level.


  • Empowering All to Vote and Supporting the Voting Rights Act of 1965: Original cosponsor of Rep. John Lewis’ Voter Empowerment Act of 2017, which requires each state to allow online voter registration, in addition to providing grants and other incentives to encourage states to better promote voter registration. The bill also prevents tactics like voter caging, and looks at the ways ballots and registrations are verified. I have also cosponsored the Voting Access Act of 2017, which amends the Help America Vote Act of 2002 to establish a set of national standards for the location of polling places during elections to federal office, to ensure that all communities have sufficient access. I am also a cosponsor on the Automatic Voter Registration Act, which requires that Departments of Motor Vehicle (DMV) around the country automatically register those eligible to vote when they use a DMV’s services unless the person opts out.
  • Increasing Access to the Ballot Box for All: I recognize that holding elections on a weekday can make it difficult for working men and women to take time off to exercise their constitutional right. That is why I am a cosponsor of the Weekend Voting Act. This bill would change the date of Federal Elections from the first Tuesday, to the first weekend of the month of November.
  • Ensuring Voting Rights for Native Communities: Cosponsor of Rep. Terri Sewell’s Voting Rights Advancement Act which increases access to new voting places on tribal lands, while allowing federal courts to continue protecting voting rights of diverse communities in the face of new and restrictive voting legislation passed by states.
  • Offering Alternatives to Voter ID Laws: Cosponsor of the America Votes Act of 2017. Introduced by Congressman Larsen, this bill would allow voters to present a sworn written statement, signed under penalty of perjury, as valid identification to vote in federal elections.
  • Combatting Voter Suppression: Apart from signing legislation, I have sought to avoid attempts at voter suppression from the Administration. In January 2017, I cosigned a letter to Vice President Pence, asking that he focus the Administration’s voter fraud panel on voter suppression instead.
  • Securing Future Elections: Recognizing the importance of a secure and modern voting system, I have cosponsored the Election Infrastructure and Security Promotion Act of 2017. I also cosponsored the Restoring Confidence in America’s Elections Act, which directs the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to designate our election infrastructure as critical national infrastructure.
  • Supporting Reforms to Campaign Finance: I support efforts to reform the  financing of campaigns and reduce the amount of undisclosed funds that pour into candidate PACs.
    • I am a cosponsor of the DISCLOSE Act, a bill to clearly identify what an independent expenditure is in a campaign in order to help the Federal Election Commission (FEC) better oversee campaign funding. It also increases the disclosure requirements for corporations, labor unions, and other entities.
    • I also support the Government By the People Act of 2017, legislation to create a pilot program which would match small dollar donations to federal candidates. This legislation would also prohibit candidates who opt in to the program from establishing or maintaining a PAC. I recognize the destabilizing effect that the Citizens United Supreme Court case has had on the transparency of our elections.
    • I support H.J.Res 48, a Constitutional amendment which clarifies that the rights of the Constitution apply only to natural born persons and not corporations, limited liability corporations, and other entities created through state, Federal, or international law. This amendment also grants states and the federal government the right to regulate campaign finance while mandating disclosure of donations to candidates.

Fair elections and transparent voting practices will strengthen our nation for generations to come. I will continue to support our election system and fight to protect every voter. 

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More on Civil & Constitutional Rights

Aug 26, 2017 Press Release

“President Trump's pardon of Sheriff Arpaio is an affront to the rule of law and a deeply disturbing use of Presidential Power to sanction discrimination. As Sheriff of Maricopa County, Arpaio flagrantly ignored clear Federal immigration enforcement guidelines and aggressively pursued policies of racial profiling. His continued violation of civil rights led to a conviction in a court of law for his unlawful immigration practices.

Aug 23, 2017 Press Release

“Congratulations to Densho and the Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience for being awarded these competitive grants to help preserve crucial lessons from our past to help inform our present. Their projects work to maintain the memory of, and educate the public about Japanese American Confinement Sites where more than 120,000 Japanese Americans were imprisoned,” said Congressman Adam Smith.

Aug 4, 2017 Press Release

“On the 52nd anniversary of the Voting Rights Act (VRA), we celebrate one of our country’s most important civil rights laws. As we remember this landmark legislation, we must also denounce the Supreme Court’s 2013 Shelby County v. Holder ruling. This decision gutted portions of the VRA, allowing states with a history of voter discrimination the autonomy to re-implement discriminatory voting restrictions. In response to the Shelby v. Holder case, I have cosponsored the Voting Rights Advancement Act.

Jul 28, 2017 Press Release

“Today, I voted against the Intelligence Authorization Act because of Congress’ lack of progress in negotiating reforms to, and increasing protections included in, Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), as well as the rushed manner in which the bill was considered by the U.S. House of Representatives.  After attempting to bring the legislation up outside of regular order earlier this week, the House Republican leadership ultimately brought the bill to the House Floor today in a format that still did not allow for any amendments.

Jul 27, 2017 Press Release

“The “Security Minibus” appropriations bill the House is currently debating is completely disconnected from the realities that our country faces and the spending choices we must make. This spending package includes funding for the Department of Defense, Department of Veterans Affairs, Legislative Branch, Department of Energy, the Army Corps of Engineers, agencies of the Department of Interior, and several independent agencies.

Jul 26, 2017 Press Release

“This announcement is an unwarranted and disgraceful attack on men and women who have been bravely serving their country. These service members are defending the United States around the world as we speak, and they have long done so with distinction. To prevent transgender people from joining the military and to push out those who have devoted their lives to this country would be ugly and discriminatory in the extreme.

Jul 1, 2017 Press Release

"This decision to delay transgender accession to the military is unjustified and morally wrong. The Defense Department has already studied the issue extensively and found that there are no substantial practical obstacles to allowing trans people to join the military and defend their country. To the contrary, many are already serving in the military and doing so with distinction. The only remaining obstacle is prejudice."

May 9, 2017 Press Release

“President Trump's decision to fire FBI director James Comey is deeply disturbing.  It comes as Comey is in the midst of an investigation into possible collusion between Trump campaign officials and Russian operatives to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.  We know the Russians were behind the hacking of DNC emails and that they did so to try and give Trump an advantage in the election.

Apr 4, 2017 Press Release

“Today is Equal Pay Day, 94 days after the new year, and the day when women’s wages finally catch up to what men were paid in the previous year. It is unacceptable that 53 years after passing the Equal Pay Act, women still make 79 cents for every dollar earned by their male counterparts. We cannot afford to wait any longer. Congress must act now to make equal pay for equal work a reality and close the gender pay gap.

Apr 4, 2017 Press Release

“A primary duty of the United States Government is to protect its citizens, but it is critical that in doing so we do not forget our obligation to protect the privacy and rights of Americans,” said Congressman Smith.  “This legislation will provide clear and commonsense legal avenues for the Department of Homeland Security to pursue those who commit crime and wish to do our country harm without infringing on the rights of American citizens.  Importantly, it will ensure that American citizens and legal residents returning to the U.S.
