Congressman Adam Smith

Representing the 9th District of Washington


It is critical that we set realistic goals to hold schools accountable for providing the education students deserve while taking into consideration the unique challenges that must be overcome in the classroom.  Our education system must support and revitalize our public schools instead of labeling them as failing when they are not.

I am pleased that in December 2015, the House of Representatives passed a bipartisan reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) that replaces the flawed policies of No Child Left Behind (NCLB). I voted for S. 1177, the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA) because reauthorizing the ESEA was the most important action Congress could take to fix the flawed NCLB law.

NCLB placed unreasonable standards on students, teachers, and administrators, and led to award-winning schools being labeled as failing. The consequences of NCLB have been felt directly in Washington state where, since the 2014 loss of a U.S. Department of Education waiver, 88 percent of schools have been deemed to be failing under NCLB standards, even when that is clearly not the case. The new ESSA law ends the need for waivers for states and replaces the one-size-fits-all approach of NCLB’s federal accountability system by shifting authority for academic standards and school accountability back to states and local school districts.

The bipartisan ESSA conference agreement passed by the House included aspects that were important to our region, including federal dollars to support locally-tailored improvements in the highest-need schools. The bill also authorized the Student Support and Academic Enrichment grant program that allocates federal funds based on need, population, as well as school district identified opportunity gaps. These grants will support programs to keep students safe and healthy, promote well rounded education opportunities such as foreign language and STEM, and encourage the effective use of technology in schools. Further, this education legislation improves the Migrant Education Program to prioritize services for migrant students who have dropped out of school. ESSA is a much needed step towards promoting fair and equal access to quality public education.

Since it was first enacted in 1965, the ESEA has played a key role in providing equal access to quality public education and helping to reduce educational inequalities. Significant work still remains to ensure that all of our students, regardless of where they live, receive high-quality instruction, and I remain committed to working with my colleagues to support students throughout our country.

Access to higher education is also extremely important to the success of our children. Whether through grants or scholarships, making higher education affordable is critical for the future of millions of students. I strongly support Pell Grants and maintaining access to low interest rates on student loans.

Providing a quality education to students in our public schools has become even more important. With an unemployment rate around five percent, there are millions of jobs that can’t be filled because our workforce does not have the skills needed to fill them. It is critical that we prepare our children for the competitive global economy and make sure they have the skills that directly apply to the type of employment opportunities available when they enter the workforce.

I am a strong advocate of investing in our education system through sound and effective policies that ensure a quality education is equally available to all children.  

  • College For All: Joined Representative Pramila Jayapal in supporting and working to advance the College for All Act, which is mirrored after Senator Bernie Sanders’ bill and would provide states and tribes money to eliminate undergraduate tuition and fees at public colleges and universities as well as institutions of higher learning controlled by tribes for students from families making less than $125,000 a year. The bill would also provide free community college for all students.
  • Extending STEM Education to the Underrepresented: Cosponsor of the 21st Century STEM for Girls and Underrepresented Minorities Act which would authorize funding to school districts to carry out activities designed to better engage girls and communities of color in STEM.
  • Promoting Early Childhood Education: Joined colleagues in sending a letter to the House Committee on Appropriations and the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies asking they prioritize funding for the Head Start Program in their Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 appropriations bill.
  • Encouraging Youth Job Training: Cosponsor of the Youth Access to American Jobs Act, introduced by Representative Rick Larsen. This bill would establish a pilot program to promote public-private partnerships among apprenticeships or other job training programs, local educational agencies, and community colleges.
  • Defending Civil Rights: Joined colleagues in the House and Senate in sending numerous letters to the Department of Education expressing concern over the Administration’s actions to curtail the role of the Office for Civil Rights at the Department.
  • Career and Technical Education: Requested strong funding for the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act in the Fiscal Year 2018 Labor, Health, and Human Services, and Education Appropriations bill. I was pleased to see this program reauthorized from FY 2018-2023 with the passage of the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act. I have also long been a strong supporter of apprenticeship training opportunities and have worked in Congress to promote and support apprenticeships and training.
  • Ensuring Access: The TRiO Upward Bound program prepares students from disadvantaged backgrounds to excel in college. I support programs like TRiO because of their commitment to ensuring a quality education for all children, regardless of their family’s incomes, race, or ethnic background.   

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More on Education

Apr 10, 2003 Press Release

Congressman Adam Smith (D-Wash.) today extended his congratulations to Loren Willson of Sumner High School for being selected by a distinguished panel of judges as a Semi-Finalist in the 2003 National Council on Economic Education/Nasdaq National Teaching Awards competition.  These awards are given to high school teachers for excellence and innovation in incorporating economic education into any subject area.

Jan 2, 2003 Press Release

Pierce College in Lakewood will be one of 12 new colleges and universities to begin offering on-line courses in 2003 through eArmyU, the U.S. Army’s largest e-learning virtual university program with more than 30,000 enrolled soldiers. Pierce College will be one of 32 institutions of higher education offering on-line college level courses to U.S. Army personnel throughout the world, according to IBM Business Consulting Services, which operates eArmyU.  Pierce College is the only education institute in Washington state to partner with IBM to help the U.S.

Dec 3, 2002 Press Release

Congressman Adam Smith (D-Tacoma) today congratulated the City of Fife on securing a $20,000 grant from the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Secure Our Schools program at the Department of Justice.  The grant is intended to support efforts to improve security at schools and on school grounds, providing up to 50 percent of the total cost for municipalities to install metal detectors, locks, lighting, and other equipment to help deter crime.

Apr 15, 2002 Press Release

Congressman Adam Smith (D-Wash.) introduced two bills at the end of last week to improve the quality of life for the U.S. military through increased access to education.  

Congressman Smith’s “Expanding Education for Military Families Act” would allow for full portability of Montgomery G.I. Bill (MGIB) benefits to the family members of enrollees in the MGIB program.  His second bill, the “Military Education Extension Act,” would extend the time limit for use of MGIB benefits to 15 years for both active duty servicemembers and reservists.   

Dec 13, 2001 Press Release

This week, Congress is poised to send President Bush a far-reaching education plan that would dramatically change how federal education dollars are spent.

Ninth District Congressman Adam Smith, a longtime proponent of more flexibility for local schools and results-based accountability, hailed the package as “the biggest change in federal education policy since the passage of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act,” in the late 1960’s.

May 23, 2001 Press Release

Leaders of the New Democrat Coalition (NDC), a prominent group of 72 centrist, pro-growth Democratic members of the House of Representatives, hailed the education bill approved by the House today for its consensus approach to reforming our schools and noted its similarities to their own education plan. New Democrats also played a leading role in turning back efforts to weaken the bill.

Jan 22, 2001 Press Release

"I am very excited to join my House and Senate New Democrat Coalition colleagues in the introduction of the Three R's bill.

Nov 29, 2000 Press Release

Ninth District Congressman Adam Smith will present three donations of his Congressional pay raise next week to Cascade Christian High School, the Rainier Education Foundation, and Project Look in Burien.

Although he voted against the pay raise, it became law. As he has done with past Congressional pay raises, Smith promised to donate it to local community and education programs. 

Details are as follows:

Jan 18, 2000 Press Release

Ninth District Congressman Adam Smith today unveiled legislation to restructure the federal role in K-12 education.

“Currently the federal government places too much emphasis on process, bureaucracy, and paperwork, and not nearly enough on flexibility, local control, and results,” Smith said. “We need a system that is more flexible, more controlled by locals, and focused on results. My legislation would do just that.”

Smith will formally introduce the Empowering Local Schools Act (ELSA) upon Congress’s return in late January.

Nov 16, 1999 Press Release

Ninth District Congressman Adam Smith (D-Washington) is joining Senator Joe Lieberman to support a revamp of the federal role in K-12 education and will introduce legislation in the House to do so when Congress reconvenes in 2000.

“The federal role in education has become too bureaucratic, diluted, and ineffective,” said Smith. “It’s time that Congress takes a comprehensive approach to how we can better serve our children.”
