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Congressman Brad Schneider

Representing the 10th District of Illinois

App Challenge

Congressman Brad Schneider is pleased to announce that the 10th Congressional District will be participating in the 2018 Congressional App Challenge. Launched in 2015, the Congressional App Challenge is a nationwide competition that encourages students to learn science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) skills by coding their own application or “app” for any digital device.

The Congressional App Challenge is open to all middle and high school students who live or attend school in the Tenth Distict, regardless of skill level. Students can choose to participate individually or as part of a team of up to 4 students, as long as two of the team members meet eligibility requirements.

To enter, participants must upload a video showcasing their app and an explanation of what they learned throughout the app-making process.

App submissions will be accepted through Noon EST, Monday, October 15, 2018. Try to register before September 10, 2018 (registration indicates your intent to compete). Early registration significantly increases the chances for a successful challenge. Early registration does not obligate you to submit an app.

The winning app for our district will be featured on the U.S. House of Representative’s website and displayed in the U.S. Capitol.

For additional information or to submit an entry, please visit



Q: What kind of apps can be submitted?

A: Students can create any type of app as long as the submission meets the requirements around originality and functionality.


Q:  Can the app be created for use on any platform?

A: Yes. The app can be created for mobile, tablet, or computer devices.


Q: How will the apps be judged?

A: Submissions will be judged by a panel of STEM experts from within our community. Apps will be judged on the following criteria:

  1. Quality of idea, including creativity and originality
  2. Implementation of the idea, including user experience and design
  3. Demonstrated excellence of coding and programming skills


Q: What are the eligibility requirements?

A:  Students may compete in either:

  • The district in which they reside, or
  •  The district in which they attend school.


Q:  Can I submit an app I had already created?

A: The app must have been created within the calendar year prior to the Challenge closing date.


Q: Can middle school students participate in the challenge?

A: Yes, there is no technical age minimum, but the CAC is designed for high school students.


Q:  How can I enter?

A:  First, you must register to participate at Once you have designed and created your app you can submit it any time between July 26th and November 1st, 2017 on the same website.


Q: Where can I find resources to help me along the way?

A: You can find resources at