Voting Record

Date Question Position Result
6/21/18 On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 2983 (Bennet) to H.R. 5895: To increase employment for members of the Armed Forces in emerging industries.
Yea Amendment Agreed to
6/20/18 On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 2971 (Tester) to H.R. 5895: To prevent the denial of access to records and documents by various inspectors general.
Yea Amendment Agreed to
6/20/18 On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 2926 (Young) to H.R. 5895: To require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to conduct a study on the effectiveness of the Veterans Crisis Line.
Yea Amendment Agreed to
6/20/18 On the Motion to Discharge H.R. 3 Nay Motion to Discharge Rejected
6/20/18 On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 2985 (Baldwin) to H.R. 5895: To set aside funds for cooperative agreements and laboratory support to accelerate the domestic production of Molybdenum-99.
Yea Amendment Agreed to
6/20/18 On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 2943 (Crapo) to H.R. 5895: To increase funds for a nuclear demonstration program.
Yea Amendment Agreed to
6/19/18 On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 2920 (Carper) to H.R. 5895: To direct the Secretary of the Army to submit a report on the status of returning to non-Federal project sponsors excess non-Federal funds.
Yea Amendment Agreed to
6/19/18 On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 2914 (Gardner) to H.R. 5895: To express the sense of the Senate regarding the need for funding for innovative scientific research.
Yea Amendment Agreed to
6/18/18 Motion to Invoke Cloture on the Motion to Proceed to H.R. 5895 Yea Cloture on the Motion to Proceed Agreed to
6/18/18 On Passage of the Bill in the Senate
H.R. 5515: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019
Yea Bill Passed
6/18/18 On the Motion (Motion to Waive Section 4106(b)(1) H. Con. Res. 71 Re: Amdt. No. 2282, As Modified and Amended) Yea Motion Agreed to
6/14/18 Motion to Invoke Cloture Re: H.R. 5515, As Amended Yea Cloture Motion Agreed to
6/14/18 On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 2885 (Reed) to H.R. 5515: To improve the amendment.
Yea Amendment Agreed to
6/14/18 Motion to Invoke Cloture on Amdt. No. 2282, As Modified, to H.R. 5515 Yea Cloture Motion Agreed to
6/14/18 Motion to Invoke Cloture on Amdt. No. 2700 to Amdt. No. 2282, As Modified, to H.R. 5515 Nay Cloture Motion Rejected
6/13/18 On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 2366 to H.R. 5515 (National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019) Nay Motion to Table Failed
6/13/18 On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 2842 to S.Amdt. 2366 to H.R. 5515 (National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019) Nay Motion to Table Failed
6/11/18 Motion to Proceed on H.R. 5515: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 Yea Motion to Proceed Agreed to
6/7/18 Motion to Invoke Cloture on the Motion to Proceed to H.R. 5515 Yea Cloture on the Motion to Proceed Agreed to
6/7/18 On the Nomination PN1393: Kenneth L. Marcus, of Virginia, to be Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Department of Education Nay Nomination Confirmed
6/6/18 On the Nomination PN1400: Annemarie Carney Axon, of Alabama, to be United States District Judge for the Northern District of Alabama Yea Nomination Confirmed
6/5/18 Motion to Invoke Cloture on the Nomination of Annemarie Carney Axon, of Alabama, to be U.S. District Judge for the Northern District of Alabama: Annemarie Carney Axon, of Alabama, to be United States District Judge for the Northern District of Alabama Yea Cloture Motion Agreed to
6/5/18 On the Nomination PN991: Fernando Rodriguez, Jr., of Texas, to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of Texas Yea Nomination Confirmed
6/5/18 Motion to Invoke Cloture: Fernando Rodriguez, Jr., of Texas, to be U.S. District Judge for the Southern District of Texas: Fernando Rodriguez, Jr., of Texas, to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of Texas Yea Cloture Motion Agreed to
6/5/18 On the Nomination PN886: Robert Earl Wier, of Kentucky, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Kentucky Yea Nomination Confirmed