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As chairman of the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee, I work to ensure that the federal government is fulfilling its constitutionally mandated role of establishing post roads, whose modern day equivalent is our nation’s highway system. Additionally, this role is responsible for managing the laws that regulate interstate commerce. It is a great honor to serve in this capacity, given that the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee is one of the largest in Congress, and that it has jurisdiction over one of the most critical components of our country’s success – transportation.

Our transportation infrastructure is the backbone that supports economic growth and global competiveness. That’s why I made it a priority to create and pass into law legislation that provides multi-year funding stability, cuts red tape, enhances freight mobility, and empowers state and local governments to fix their specific infrastructure needs – all without raising taxes.

This legislation is the first long-term surface transportation measure enacted into law in 10 years and will provide about $8.3 billion in funding over five years for Pennsylvania to invest in programs for highway and bridge improvement.

Our country and states need a federal transportation program in order to maintain funding levels and long-term stability that can keep us economically competitive. I believe such a system has to have partnerships at the federal, state and local levels, and I will continue to support legislation that advances this goal.