Voting Record

Date Question Position Result
12/11/17 Motion to Invoke Cloture Re: Leonard Steven Grasz to be U.S. Circuit Judge for the Eighth Circuit: Leonard Steven Grasz, of Nebraska, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Eighth Circuit Nay Cloture Motion Agreed to
12/7/17 On the Joint Resolution in the Senate
H.J.Res. 123: Making further continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2018, and for other purposes.
Yea Joint Resolution Passed
12/7/17 On the Nomination PN814: Joseph Balash, of Alaska, to be an Assistant Secretary of the Interior Yea Nomination Confirmed
12/6/17 On the Motion (Booker Motion to Instruct Conferees Re: H.R. 1) Yea Motion Rejected
12/6/17 On the Motion (Stabenow Motion to Instruct Conferees Re: H.R. 1) Yea Motion Rejected
12/6/17 On the Motion (King Motion to Instruct Conferees Re: H.R. 1) Yea Motion Rejected
12/6/17 On the Motion (Motion to Insist on the Senate Amdt. to H.R. 1, Agree to the Request for Conference, and Authorize the Chair to Appoint Conferees) Nay Motion Agreed to
12/5/17 On the Nomination PN1095: Kirstjen Nielsen, of Virginia, to be Secretary of Homeland Security Yea Nomination Confirmed
12/4/17 Motion to Invoke Cloture on Kirstjen Nielsen, of Virginia, to be Secretary of Homeland Security: Kirstjen Nielsen, of Virginia, to be Secretary of Homeland Security Yea Cloture Motion Agreed to
12/1/17 On Passage of the Bill in the Senate
H.R. 1: Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
Nay Bill Passed
12/1/17 On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 1856 (Merkley) to H.R. 1: Of a perfecting nature.
Yea Amendment Agreed to
12/1/17 On the Motion (Motion to Waive the CBA Re: Cantwell Amdt. No. 1717) Yea Motion Rejected
12/1/17 On the Motion (Manchin Motion to Commit H.R. 1 to the Committee on Finance) Yea Motion Rejected
12/1/17 On the Motion (Motion to Waive CBA Re: Kaine Amdt. No. 1846) Yea Motion Rejected
12/1/17 On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 1852 (Cruz) to H.R. 1: To allow limited 529 account funds to be used for elementary and secondary education, including homeschool.
Nay Amendment Agreed to
12/1/17 On the Motion (Menendez Motion to Commit H.R. 1 to the Committee on Finance) Yea Motion Rejected
12/1/17 On the Motion (Motion to Waive CBA Re: Rubio Amdt. No. 1850) Nay Motion Rejected
12/1/17 On the Motion (Motion to Waive CBA Re: Brown Amdt. No. 1854) Yea Motion Rejected
12/1/17 On the Motion (Motion to Waive CBA Re: Sanders Amdt. No. 1720) Nay Motion Rejected
12/1/17 On the Motion to Adjourn H.R. 1 Yea Motion to Adjourn Rejected
12/1/17 On the Motion (Cardin Motion to Commit H.R. 1 to the Committee on Finance) Yea Motion Rejected
12/1/17 On the Motion (Nelson Motion to Commit H.R. 1 to the Committee on Finance) Yea Motion Rejected
12/1/17 On the Motion (Nelson Motion to Commit H.R. 1 to the Committee on Finance) Yea Motion Rejected
11/30/17 On the Motion (Stabenow Motion to Commit H.R. 1 to the Committee on Finance) Yea Motion Rejected
11/30/17 On the Motion (King Motion to Commit H.R. 1 to the Committee on Finance) Yea Motion Rejected