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2018 Constituent Service Democracy Award Finalist

Congressman Hank Johnson

Representing the 4th District of Georgia


May 9, 2018 | E-Letter

May 14, 2018

I want to wish all mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day!

This weekend, join me in honoring our mothers who have given us so much. Mothers help us strive for new heights and stick by us no matter the circumstances or challenges. My mother, Christine Callier, is the one who set me on the path to success. But more importantly, she helped shape me into a good and decent human being. Women and our mothers are the backbone of our nation and the drivers of progress. Our mothers deserve all our love and devotion, but they also deserve policies that allow them to be all that they can be – not just as responsible role models but as creative, growing, productive members of equal standing in our families and our economy.


TRUMP PULLS OUT OF IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL: I issued the following statement after President Trump announced he would pull the United States out of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action also called the Iran Nuclear Agreement: The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action is working – with historic restrictions and invasive inspections preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, and making the American people and our allies safer. For more, click HERE.


VA OFFERING FASTER CLAIMS PROCESS: The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced it is offering two opportunities for early participation in a new claims decision review process outlined in the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act of 2017. For more, click HERE.


WORK FOR SMALL BUSINESSES GOES BEYOND A WEEK: April 29 to May 5 marked National Small Business Week when the country pays tribute to small businesses and entrepreneurs that fuel American prosperity. To mark the occasion, I joined colleagues in Congress to advocate for reforms that would help the nation’s 30 million small businesses. For more, click HERE.


AWARDING OUR YOUNG ARTISTIC MINDS: On April 21, I announced the winners of my 2018 Congressional Arts Competition at the Lou Walker Senior Center in Lithonia.

Students were awarded four college scholarships worth more than $70,000. For more, click HERE.


DETERMINING A CREDIBLE CENSUS WORKER: Survey or Scam? As we ramp up toward the 2020 Census, the Census Bureau is conducting surveys in many of our communities. For more information on how to determine who is a real Census worker, click HERE.


ENCOURAGED PREPAREDNESS FOR HURRICANE SEASON: FEMA and the National Oceanic and the Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) wants to ensure you’re prepared. May 6 through 12 is National Hurricane Preparedness Week in preparation for the Atlantic hurricane season beginning on June 1. For more, click HERE.


ARABIA ALLIANCE PRESENTS NATURE WALK: The Monastery of the Holy Spirit's naturalist, land manager and former Abbott Fr. Francis Michael will lead a walk through the woods where you can discover the natural treasures of the Monastery's landscapes. Walks are scheduled for May 12, June 16 and June 30 from 9 a.m. to noon. For more, click HERE.




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