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2018 Constituent Service Democracy Award Finalist

Congressman Hank Johnson

Representing the 4th District of Georgia


Happy Holidays E-Newsletter

January 3, 2018

I want to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa and a Happy New Year. I hope everyone had a Happy Hanukkah. May the gift of love, peace and happiness be yours this season.


EXTENDED HEALTHCARE INSURANCE DEADLINE: Thanks to some excellent reporting by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, we now know that due to a devastating hurricane season Georgians have until Dec. 31 to sign up for healthcare insurance under the Affordable Care Act. Unfortunately, the administration is doing everything it can to undermine the law, including but not limited to shortening the sign-up period and gutting the advertising budget to inform the public. People must sign up via phone at 1-800-318-2596 at and phone lines at Insure Georgia are still open at 1-866-988-8246 through the end of the year. #GetCovered!


PEACHCARE FOR KIDS: While funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) – which funds PeachCare For Kids in Georgia – was extended today until March, it’s unconscionable what’s happening in Washington. Republicans gave corporations and the richest 1 percent a $1.5 trillion unpaid tax cut while using low-income children’s healthcare as a political bargaining chip. I urge Speaker Ryan and all my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to do the right thing and reauthorize this critical program immediately.


CONYERS VETERANS MONUMENT: I read this week with dismay that the Walk of Heroes Veterans War Memorial in Conyers was vandalized and some statues were stolen from that sacred site. This is an affront not just to Conyers and Rockdale County, but to all veterans and their families in Georgia and the nation who have sacrificed on our behalf. I stand ready to help local authorities in any way I can to help resolve this egregious crime and return the missing statues to their rightful place at the Walk of Heroes.




Housing Help | Jobs Center | Healthcare | Small Businesses

Seniors | Students | Veterans | Help with a Federal Agency | Zika Prevention | Opioid Resource Guide


As always, I appreciate your time and feedback. Please remember you can reach me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and now on Tumblr as well as e-mails, phone calls and letters. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to represent you in Congress and please have a safe and Happy Holidays.