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Hearings & Meetings

Displayed below are brief descriptions of each committee meeting and hearing scheduled to take place today, and on days thereafter. The time and location of each meeting/hearing is identified. Meetings that have been canceled or postponed are also noted.

00000000 AMToday, Sep 21, 2018No committee hearings scheduled
092410:00 AMMonday, Sep 24, 2018
10:00 AM – SH-216
Hearings to examine the nomination of Brett M. Kavanaugh, of Maryland, to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.
092509:30 AMTuesday, Sep 25, 2018
9:30 AM – SD-G50
Armed Services
Hearings to examine the nominations of General Robert B. Abrams, USA, to be General, and to be Commander, United Nations Command/Combined Forces Command/United States Forces Korea, and Vice Admiral Craig S. Faller, USN, to be Admiral, and to be Commander, United States Southern Command.
092510:00 AMTuesday, Sep 25, 2018
10:00 AM – SD-366
Energy and Natural Resources
Hearings to examine the Department of Energy's efforts in the field of quantum information science.
092510:00 AMTuesday, Sep 25, 2018
10:00 AM – SD-430
Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
Hearings to examine the Every Student Succeeds Act, focusing on states leading the way.
09251530 PMTuesday, Sep 25, 2018
3:30 PM – SD-430
Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
Subcommittee on Primary Health and Retirement Security
Hearings to examine health care in rural America, focusing on experiences and costs.
092610:00 AMWednesday, Sep 26, 2018
10:00 AM – SD-G50
Commerce, Science, and Transportation
Hearings to examine safeguards for consumer data privacy.
092610:45 AMWednesday, Sep 26, 2018
10:45 AM – SH-216
Joint Economic Committee
Hearings to examine the rise of American earnings and living standards.
09261430 PMWednesday, Sep 26, 2018
2:30 PM – SD-628
Indian Affairs
An oversight hearing to examine justice for Native youth, focusing on the Government Accountability Office report on "Native American Youth Involvement in Justice Systems and Information on Grants to Help Address Juvenile Delinquency".
09261430 PMWednesday, Sep 26, 2018
2:30 PM – SH-216
Armed Services
Subcommittee on PersonnelSubcommittee on Cybersecurity
Hearings to examine the cyber operational readiness of the Department of Defense; to be immediately followed by a closed session in SVC-217.
09261430 PMWednesday, Sep 26, 2018
2:30 PM – SD-342
Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Subcommittee on Federal Spending Oversight and Emergency Management
Hearings to examine the Federal role in the toxic PFAS chemical crisis.
092710:00 AMThursday, Sep 27, 2018
10:00 AM – SD-430
Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
Hearings to examine reducing health care costs, focusing on improving affordability through innovation.
100210:00 AMTuesday, Oct 02, 2018
10:00 AM – SD-538
Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Hearings to examine implementation of the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act.
10031430 PMWednesday, Oct 03, 2018
2:30 PM – SD-226
Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights
An oversight hearing to examine the enforcement of the antitrust laws.

How to Find Committee Hearing Transcripts
Titanic Hearings Report

Published hearing transcripts contain all witness testimony, the question-and-answer portion of the hearing, and any other material requested of the witness by the committee. It may take several months, or even years, for a hearing to be published. Unlike most other congressional documents, hearings are not available from the Senate or House Document Rooms. You may be able to locate a hearing from the Government Publishing Office's govinfo website, from a committee website, or from a federal depository library. For more tips, read the guide How to find committee hearings.

Related Links
Senate Judiciary Committee, John Roberts confirmation hearing, Caucus Room, 2005