The Institution

Sunrise over the Capitol/tiles/non-collection/o/oh_sept11_retrospect.xml Image used with permission by Douglas Graham, Roll Call newspaper Sunrise over the Capitol one year after the attacks of September 11, 2001.
“I can’t remember when I actually learned of that fourth plane. Certainly didn’t assume, necessarily, that it was headed toward the Capitol, but all indications are that it was. So it was–there was a numbness, an unawareness, which gradually gave way to a sense, an apprehension, a personal relief. I mean, from that point on, every day I sat in my office for the next three years, there wasn’t a day that went by that I didn’t think of those people in the plane that had been taken down in Pennsylvania who were true heroes, and certainly saved a lot of lives in the Capitol itself.”
Charlie Johnson, June 9, 2011
    Parliamentarian, U.S. House of Representatives


Changing Nature of the Chaplaincy

Insight into the changing role of the House Chaplain after September 11th.

Reverend Daniel Coughlin, Chaplain, U.S. House of Representatives
Interview recorded May 27, 2011 Deed of Gift

Changing Role of Congressional Staff

Description of the changing role of congressional staff after the attacks.

Brett Heimov, Administrative Assistant, Representative Jerrold L. Nadler of New York
Interview recorded May 16, 2011 Deed of Gift

Commemorative Joint Meeting In New York City

Personal memories of the 2002 Commemorative Joint Meeting in New York City.

Reverend Daniel Coughlin, Chaplain, U.S. House of Representatives
Interview recorded May 27, 2011 Deed of Gift

Effect of September 11th on Members of Congress

Discussion of the impact of the attacks on Members of Congress.

The Honorable J. Martin Frost, U.S. Representative of Texas
Interview recorded April 28, 2011 Deed of Gift

House Rules and Emergency Recess

Background on House Rules and emergencies.

Charles W. Johnson, Parliamentarian, U.S. House of Representatives
Interview recorded June 9, 2011 Deed of Gift

No Lasting Effects on the Institution

Personal reflections on the attacks and the Institution.

The Honorable J. Martin Frost, U.S. Representative of Texas
Interview recorded April 28, 2011 Deed of Gift

September 11th and Congressional Staff

Reflections on congressional staff and the September 11th attacks.

Donna Mullins, Chief of Staff, Representative Rodney P. Frelinghuysen of New Jersey
Interview recorded May 23, 2011 Deed of Gift

Short-term Effects of September 11th

Description of the effects of the attacks on the Institution.

Eve Butler-Gee, Journal Clerk, Office of the Clerk
Interview recorded June 20, 2011 Deed of Gift

Tragic Days at the Capitol

Reflections on September 11th and the 1954 shooting in the House Chamber.

Pat Kelly, Editor, Daily Digest, Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives
Interview recorded February 2, 2011 Deed of Gift
Transcript (PDF)


Evolving Role of Capitol Nurses

Insight into the changing role of Capitol nurses after September 11th.

Francesca J. Flynn, Nurse, Office of the Attending Physician, U.S. House of Representatives
Interview recorded June 7, 2011 Deed of Gift
Transcript (PDF)