Lasting Memories

Sunrise over the Capitol/tiles/non-collection/o/oh_sept11_retrospect.xml Image used with permission by Douglas Graham, Roll Call newspaper Sunrise over the Capitol one year after the attacks of September 11, 2001.
“I can’t remember when I actually learned of that fourth plane. Certainly didn’t assume, necessarily, that it was headed toward the Capitol, but all indications are that it was. So it was–there was a numbness, an unawareness, which gradually gave way to a sense, an apprehension, a personal relief. I mean, from that point on, every day I sat in my office for the next three years, there wasn’t a day that went by that I didn’t think of those people in the plane that had been taken down in Pennsylvania who were true heroes, and certainly saved a lot of lives in the Capitol itself.”
Charlie Johnson, June 9, 2011
    Parliamentarian, U.S. House of Representatives


Making Difficult Decisions

Speaker Hastert discusses the role of the Speaker in a time of great uncertainty.

The Honorable J. Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the House of Representatives
Interview recorded January 4, 2012 Deed of Gift

Unintended Consequences

Speaker Hastert reflects on the consequences of the attacks on American society.

The Honorable J. Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the House of Representatives
Interview recorded January 4, 2012 Deed of Gift

The New York City Skyline

Remembering the Towers and New York City before September 11th.

The Honorable Michael Ferguson, U.S. Representative of New Jersey
Interview recorded May 18, 2011 Deed of Gift

Empty Capitol

Reflections on the changes in the Capitol after the attacks.

Brian Gaston, Director of Policy, Representative Richard K. Armey of Texas
Interview recorded June 30, 2011 Deed of Gift

Joint Session and Resiliency

Memories of the Joint Session of Congress on September 20th.

Donna Mullins, Chief of Staff, Representative Rodney P. Frelinghuysen of New Jersey
Interview recorded May 23, 2011 Deed of Gift

Memories of a House Page

Lasting memories of September 11th.

Zack Stanton, Page, U.S. House of Representatives
Interview recorded May 20, 2011 Deed of Gift

Uncertainty Outside the Capitol

Realization that the Capitol may be under attack.

The Honorable Michael Ferguson, U.S. Representative of New Jersey
Interview recorded May 18, 2011 Deed of Gift

Writing the Opening Prayer for September 12th

Reflections on the inspiration for the opening prayer on September 12th.

Reverend Daniel Coughlin, Chaplain, U.S. House of Representatives
Interview recorded May 27, 2011 Deed of Gift