Press Releases

October 2015

Date Title
10/27/15 Senate Approves Bill to Enhance Cybersecurity, Protect Privacy
10/27/15 Finance Hearing Statement: "The Internal Revenue Service's Response to Committee Recommendations Contained in its August 5, 2015 Report"
10/23/15 Carper Signs Letter to Administration Urging Immediate Action to Stop For-Profit Education Companies from Defrauding Taxpayers
10/23/15 Carper, Johnson Seek Information on Troubling Employment Practices at VA
10/22/15 Carper-Toomey Bill to Expand and Improve In-Home Care for America's Seniors Goes to President for Signature
10/22/15 Public Service Announcement: Challenge to End Veteran Homelessness
10/22/15 New GAO Report Finds Federal Agencies Can Achieve Significant Savings Through Improved Management of IT Acquisitions
10/22/15 Sen. Carper Urges Colleagues to Pass Cybersecurity Information Sharing Legislation:
10/21/15 Senator Carper responds to GAO report on Post-9/11 G.I. Bill Overpayments
10/21/15 HSGAC Hearing Statement: Ongoing Migration from Central America: An Examination of FY2015 Apprehensions
10/21/15 Senator Carper Statement on Vice President Biden
10/20/15 Senator Carper Statement on the Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act
10/20/15 Senator Carper Calls on Colleagues to Pass Cyber Information Sharing Bill
10/20/15 Senator Carper Calls on Colleagues to Pass Cyber Information Sharing Bill
10/19/15 Senators Carper, Coons, Isakson concerned with South Africa's failure to meet key deadline for resuming import of U.S. poultry, urge immediate action