"A simpler, fairer, tax code will help our economy grow and help create jobs. Tax cuts will help all Texans and all Americans keep more of their hard earned paycheck. What we need is a more competitive tax code too, so that businesses that generate income abroad will bring that money back home and invest it in jobs and businesses here in America rather than leaving it overseas and compete with our businesses here at home." Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas)
Senator Shelley Moore Capito: I think my four grandchildren will have a brighter future because of tax reform, which is the key to economic growth and vibrancy for future generations.
Republicans are committed to comprehensive tax reform that provides more jobs, fairer taxes, and bigger paychecks.
For seven years, we've watched the bad Obamacare news pile up, from lost health care plans to soaring premiums to dwindling choices. The Democrats' solution: single-payer Bernie-Care.
"The time to reform the broken tax code is now. A pro-growth tax plan will move the U.S. economy forward, helping to produce jobs and bigger paychecks for the American people, and allowing them to keep more of their hard-earned incomes." - Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch
Chairman John Thune: Tax reform is critically important to our economy, and the American people need to be able to keep more of what they earn. Tax reform is about jobs, growth, higher wages, relief for middle-income taxpayers, bringing simplicity into the tax code, keeping jobs here in this country, and making our businesses more competitive in the global marketplace.