Senate Republicans urge Democrats in Congress to join them in addressing our nation's soaring debt by freezing discretionary spending. Adopting the proposed Sessions-McCaskill spending freeze is an important first step toward permanently reining in out-of-control federal spending.
Over the Fourth of July work period, Republicans warned about the dangers of runaway Washington spending and urged Democrats to listen to the American people's concerns about our ballooning national debt. Republicans are committed to responsible economic policies that won't burden businesses and families or leave our children and grandchildren paying for our spending.
Democrats announced they will not pass a budget this year, despite our nation's spiraling debt and the ever-increasing costs of Democrats' bloated health care bill. Republicans are continuing to fight for lower spending and more responsible use of taxpayer dollars. Republicans are also committed to ensuring that the oil in the Gulf is cleaned up and that those responsible for the spill are held accountable.
The American people are tired of Democrats' out-of-control spending habits. At a press conference in the Capitol, Senate Republicans emphasize that spending restraint, not tax hikes, is the way to deal with our ballooning deficit.
Republican senators point out that the president's national energy tax proposal is not the answer to the oil spill in the Gulf. A national energy tax would increase the challenges facing the Gulf state economies and place an unacceptable burden on families and businesses across the United States.
Republican senators highlight the dangers of allowing the EPA to draft its own regulations on greenhouse gas emissions. The EPA's plan would result in lost jobs and burden American families and businesses with high energy taxes. Congress, not unaccountable federal bureaucrats, should be drafting carbon regulations.
On May 20, 2010, Senators Lamar Alexander, John Thune, Judd Gregg, and George LeMieux held a press conference to discuss the national debt, which is approaching $13 trillion, and Americans concerns about out-of-control Washington spending.