On the Senate Floor, Senator Lee fights to protect hardworking Americans from the failed Obama energy regulations that are increasing gasoline prices and the price of many of the other goods and services Americans purchase.

Despite the fact that gas prices have doubled since he took office, President Obama continues to demonstrate his fundamental lack of seriousness about the issue. Among other things, he has suggested exacerbating already high prices by taxing oil and gas producers, rejected the Keystone XL pipeline and its reliable supply of oil, and proposed tapping the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, a solution he tried last summer which lowered gas prices by a few cents for just two weeks before prices rose again. The president needs to pursue the kind of real "all-of-the-above" energy strategy supported by Republicans, which would lower gas prices and improve our energy security by developing all of America's energy sources.
President Obama likes to talk about how he supports an "all-of-the-above" energy policy, but in practice, his energy policy is more "none of the above" than "all of the above." From the Keystone XL pipeline to permits for new energy exploration and development, President Obama has repeatedly rejected opportunities to develop American energy sources. Senate Republicans are committed to a real "all-of-the-above" energy policy that would lower gas prices and strengthen our security by developing every available source of American energy.

During his weekly video address, Senator Chuck Grassley discusses the need to increase production of domestic energy to help lower gas prices and create jobs. Along with other senators, he's urging President Obama to examine his policies that contribute to higher gas prices, including restricting access to federal lands and permitting delays, regulatory threats to refiners, and his Keystone XL pipeline decision.