US Senators Kit Bond (R-Mo.) and Mel Martinez (R-Fla.) urge House Democrats to pass the US-Colombia Trade Agreement. This trade agreement will level the playing field for American workers and manufacturers and create jobs for Americans. Failure to approve the Colombia trade agreement has already cost US workers $1 billion. Read more at
Senator Pete Domenici (RN.M.), ranking member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee; Senate Republican Conference Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.); and Senator John Ensign (R-Nev.) urge Congress to enact legislation to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and increase domestic energy supplies. American families are paying too much at the pump, and high gasoline prices are putting a strain on the family budget. Read more at
At a Hispanic roundtable event held on Capitol Hill, Senator Mel Martinez (R-Fla.) joins other Senate Republicans and Secretary of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez to advocate passage of the US-Colombia Trade Agreement. This agreement would create more jobs for Americans, reduce foreign taxes on US goods exported to Colombia, and level the playing field for American workers. Read more at
On the Senate floor, Senator Arlen Specter (R-Pa), ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and Senate Republican Whip Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) advocate swift approval of the president's nominations for the federal bench. Senate Republicans are urging the Judiciary Committee to fulfill its responsibilities and and hold an up-or-down vote on judicial nominees. Read more at
Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) urges Congress to help lower gas prices and build on previous efforts at conservation and energy efficiency by investing in environmentally-safe energy production here in the United States. Since Democrats have taken control of Congress, American families have paid an extra $1400 per year in higher gas prices. Read more at
At a press conference in the Capitol, US Senator Pete Domenici (RN.M.), ranking member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, and a group of his colleagues outline ways Republicans are fighting for the family budget by addressing energy costs and gas prices. Since Democrats have taken control of Congress, American families have paid an extra $1400 per year in higher gas prices. Read more at
Senate Republican Whip Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) discusses the Senate's delay in confirming the president's nominations for the federal bench. The Senate should quickly act to fill judicial vacancies, especially 17 critical vacancies in the federal court system. Read more at
At a press conference held in the US Capitol, Senator Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), ranking member of the Senate Banking Committee, joins colleagues to propose a bipartisan plan to help struggling homeowners restore confidence to the housing industry. The bipartisan housing legislation will help jump-start the economy and stabilize the housing market. Read more at
US Senator Jim Bunning (R-Ky.) says we need to continue combating terrorism on the in Iraq. Senator Bunning hails progress made by the troop surge and the Iraqi government. Read more at
At a Heritage Foundation briefing, Senator Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.) advocates legislation to require Congress to implement biennial budgeting. A two-year budget would force Congress to spend every other year fixing, repealing, or eliminating broken programs. Biennial budgeting would help reduce wasteful spending of taxpayer dollars. Read more at