Republicans pledged to get Washington working again for the American people, and in just 100 days, we've made significant progress. The Senate has conducted more than 100 amendment roll call...
In the Weekly Republican Address, Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina discusses the growing threat from cyber criminals and foreign adversaries who are becoming increasingly adept at stealing personal information and intellectual property from American businesses, individuals and the government. As chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Burr outlines legislation his panel recently passed designed to address this problem. “This threat is real, and the increasing number of attacks has a tangible impact on our economy and our national security,” Burr says. “Today, we have a solution that can minimize the threats to your own personal information, keep the economy strong, and help secure the nation."
In the Weekly Republican Address, Senator Mike Enzi of Wyoming, chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, previews the Fiscal Year 2016 budget blueprint that the Senate will vote on next week. While the Obama Administration is spending more and taxing more than ever, Enzi says, the Republican budget under consideration in the Senate balances after 10 years with no new tax hikes. “Congress is under new management and by working together to find shared ground on commonsense solutions, we can deliver real results and real progress,” Enzi says.
U.S. Senator John Thune (R-S.D.), chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, speaks about America’s support for Israel and the dangers of a nuclear-armed Iran. He also discusses Republicans’ plans to help Americans who could be affected by the Supreme Court’s upcoming decision in King v. Burwell.