Obamacare's Victims

Jun 29 2017

Americans are being hurt by Obamacare's failures. Premiums have skyrocketed, and markets are collapsing. Americans deserve better, and Senate Republicans are working to provide access to better health care.
Fact: The Senate GOP health care plan protects anyone with a pre-existing medical condition from being denied coverage or charged more for insurance.
Fact: The Senate GOP health care plan protects anyone with a pre-existing medical condition from being denied coverage or charged more for insurance.

We Stand United

Jun 16 2017

Republicans and Democrats came together last night in a spirit of unity to show that we're Americans first.

To Our Heroes

May 29 2017

"In America's cities and towns today, flags will be placed on graves in cemeteries; public officials will speak of the sacrifice and the valor of those whose memory we honor." - President Ronald Reagan, Memorial Day 1982
Judge Gorsuch is a well-qualified, independent, and mainstream Supreme Court nominee with the right judicial temperament for the Supreme Court. Senate Republicans look forward to confirming Judge Gorsuch next week.

Confirm Judge Gorsuch

Mar 07 2017

Neil Gorsuch is exactly the kind of judge we need on the Supreme Court.
"We believe there needs to be a solution for pre-existing conditions. People who have pre-existing conditions shouldn't be denied health care coverage." - Senator John Thune