Forty-four Republican Senators support S. 3202, the Gas Price Reduction Act, to find more American energy and use less. The bill's balanced approach is designed to attract bipartisan support. To find more, the bill allows coastal states the option to explore for oil and natural gas offshore and lifts a federal moratorium on oil shale in western states. To use less, the bill provides incentives for plug-in electric cars and trucks so that we no longer need to use as much gasoline to power our vehicles. To learn more, please visit: Please visit for more information.

Find More, Use Less

Jul 08 2008

Forty-four Republican Senators support the Gas Price Reduction Act to find more American energy and use less. The bill's balanced approach is designed to attract bipartisan support. To learn more about Senate Republican Conference, please visit
At a press conference, Republican senators highlighted a number of ways to help lower gas prices and urged Democrats to end their opposition to tapping domestic energy sources and work with Republicans to develop more American energy now.
At a press conference in the US Capitol, Republican senators highlighted a number of ways to help lower gas prices and urged Democrats to end their opposition to tapping domestic energy sources and work with Republicans to develop more American energy now.
At a press conference in the US Capitol, Republican senators highlighted a number of ways to help lower gas prices and urged Democrats to end their opposition to tapping domestic energy sources and work with Republicans to develop more American energy now.
In a speech on the Senate floor, Senator Judd Gregg (RN.H.) emphasizes the need to tap domestic sources of oil and gas to help lower energy prices and relieve the burden on American families.
At an energy forum, Republican senators discuss rising fuel costs and ways Congress can promote clean energy sources that are envi At an energy forum, Republican senators discuss rising fuel costs and ways Congress can promote clean energy sources that are environmentally friendly while easing the strain on family budgets and reducing the nation's dependence on foreign oil. Please visit to learn more about the Senate Republican Conference. (more)
At a press conference in the US Capitol, Senate Republicans offer solutions to help reduce energy prices and urge Democrats to abandon their plans for tax hikes on gas and oil and focus on policies that will actually lower gas prices.